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Clean Energy Economy – Country Style

by Clark Gilman on

We’re looking forward to Harvesting Clean Energy in Helena, MT next week! Clean energy practitioners and rural economic development advocates will gather to talk about opportunities for clean energy to benefit Northwest farms, ranches, forests, and rural businesses.  

Washington should continue to build on our success with renewable energy

by Jessica Finn Coven on

Washington State has made great strides in clean energy, energy efficiency, and energy independence. But some legislators want to slow or reverse those advances by weakening the law which has made our progress possible—the Washington State Energy Independence Act, or I-937.

Facing climate change: Optimism is up to us

by Gregg Small on

On one hand, the science news about our climate crisis is relentlessly sobering. It’s late, and we have so far to go. On the other hand, the momentum for solutions is building, and our climate movement is growing strong.  

Why does Big Oil get a tax loophole anyway?

by Ben Serrurier on

Washington State's Big Oil loophole was never intended to benefit oil companies; it serves no purpose except to divert tens of millions away from education and essential services, benefiting a massively profitable and polluting industry.

We need stronger protections from Washington’s top fossil-fuel polluters

by Ben Serrurier on

Big coal and big oil head the list of Washington's top polluters, reminding us that we need strong protections against greenhouse gas emissions.  

Boeing proposes Green Diesel for new jet fuel blends

by Clark Gilman on

In a potentially game-changing move, Boeing wants to increase the use of sustainable biodiesel as an ingredient in jet fuel.  

Senators: No climate news is bad news

by KC Golden on

Nine US Senators have sent a letter to the heads of four broadcast networks expressing “deep concern” about their failure to cover the climate crisis.

Olympia 2014: Let’s maintain support for a clean energy future

by Ben Serrurier on

And they’re off! Monday marked the official start of the 2014 Washington State legislative session. Here's a preview of how Climate Solutions will be there, working to promote the clean energy economy and to reduce global warming pollution.  

Clean tech's Mark Twain moment

by Chris Bast on

The 60 Minutes piece was more than a case of bad reporting - it deliberately ignored the context within which clean tech operates: climate change.  

We’re blushing. Thank you, Postcard Underground.

by Bobby Hayden on

Over several weeks this past fall we received a flurry of very encouraging notes in the mail directed at our Solutions Stories.  

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act