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60 Minutes’ clean tech bash-fest: hardly a moment of journalism, not a second of climate reality

by KC Golden on

60 Minutes' mugging of the clean tech industry this week ignores the real story: the explosive growth in clean energy technologies, and the 97% success rate of federal clean energy loans.  

Beaverton, Oregon does carbon math

by Elizabeth Willmott on

When the opportunity recently arose to set a long-term community climate action goal, Beaverton sustainability officials wanted to do their homework. So they called the New Energy Cities team to help them figure out what it would take to make deep cuts in climate pollution community-wide.

It's beginning to look a lot like solar

by Beth Doglio on

Making something happen that is part of the solution is refreshing, especially when I’ve spent so much of my time fighting the behemoth fossil fuel industry standing in the way of a cleaner, healthier future.

Out with the Old, In with the New... Keeping Momentum in 2014

by Ross Macfarlane on

This year is closing with a flurry of activity throughout the Northwest and 2014 is shaping up to be a critical year on the path to make the clean energy future a present reality in our region.

Banner year for Sustainable Advanced Fuels

by Ross Macfarlane on

In the short time since we formally launched our SAF program, we have had the opportunity to drive good policy and increase understanding of the opportunities, needs and specific actions required to support sustainable fuels in our region and around the world.

Remembering Sam Garst, a true friend and ally

by Clark Gilman on

Staff members at Climate Solutions share their memories of Sam Garst, an inspiring longtime supporter, leader, advisor and friend.

More Elbow Grease, Less Rocket Science

by Elizabeth Willmott on

City sustainability directors face challenges in moving from bold greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals to achieving actual GHG reduction. Examples of strategies and tactics in energy efficiency, distributed renewable energy, and low-carbon transportation are available to emulate but creating a locally tailored package of actions that “adds up” to meet a long-term reduction goal requires some elbow grease.

A Clean Fuels Standard works

by Ben Serrurier on

Fossil fuel companies are trotting out another round of warmed over allegations that climate policy, in particular a clean fuels standard, is unworkable and will crash the economy. They’re running up against a difficult opponent: reality.

Climate change is a political issue

by Climate Solutions on

Tom Steyer was the keynote speaker for our 5th Annual Dinner in Portland.

Biochar: a new weapon in the war against greenhouse gases

by Climate Trust on

A new methodology enables emission reductions from biochar in the U.S., developed jointly by The Climate Trust in partnership with the International Biochar Initiative, Prasino Group, and Carbon Consulting.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act