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Plan to restore 30 miles of habitat along the Rogue River

by Rhys Roth on

Congratulations to the Willamette Partnership, a NBI Innovation Partner, which teamed up with the Freshwater Trust to receive a $1.5 million Conservation Innovation Grant from the US Department of Agriculture.

Soil is the solution

by Patrick Mazza on

One of the most important climate change solutions is emerging literally on the ground.  The power of plant growth in rich soils to pull carbon from the atmosphere is drawing increased attention as this story, Climate Change SOS: Soil is the Solution, or the most important environmental story I'll ever write, demonstrates. 

If the US Had a Dept. of Energy and Climate Change

by Sam Bliss on

The United Kingdom's Green Deal program has much to teach the United States about how to create a successful energy efficiency retrofit program.

Turning Brown into Gold

by Sam Bliss on

While cleaning up sites such as capped landfills, abandoned mines, and former industrial properties can be pricey, converting them into renewable energy generating capacity may help make the investment pay back over time.

Sunny Boise Proving to Be a Good Place for Solar

by Elizabeth Willmott on

Installed solar capacity in Boise, ID increased to two megawatts in 2011, and is nearing three megawatts in 2012.

Guest blog: The Northwest is a biocarbon powerhouse

by Steve Whitney on

Lost in the current debate over how best to control greenhouse gas emissions from combustion of fossil fuels is the simple fact that it won’t be enough. Already, concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere exceed 390 parts per million (ppm), some 40 ppm above what many climate scientists consider safe levels.

Doing the Math of Carbon Emissions Reduction

by Elizabeth Willmott on

It is well known that cities adopted greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets consistent with the Kyoto Protocol. Lesser known is the work that cities have done in the intervening years to make the projects happen that would achieve those targets.

Bianca does biocarbon

by Patrick Mazza on

In a Huffington Post column on the presidential election, Bianca Jagger says it’s “time to put climate change at the top of the political agenda.”  Bianca sets out a comprehensive approach to climate change that beats anything being said by either of the candidates.

Cities Pioneering the Clean Energy Economy

by Eileen V. Quigley on

Powering the New Energy Future from the Ground Up profiles a diverse set of 34 communities with populations under 250,000 and found that U.S. communities are pioneering a wide range of clean energy solutions in energy efficiency, renewable energy, electric vehicles, and carbon-reducing transportation strategies.

Small Cities and Towns Pioneering the Clean Energy Economy

by Eileen V. Quigley on

Small- and Medium-Sized Communities Innovate on Clean-Energy and Efficiency Programs

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act