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Apples or coal: which is more likely to catch on fire?

by Kimberly Larson on

Two dangerous coal export incidents last week, one in Virginia and one in B.C., remind us not only that the proposed coal export terminals in the Northwest are very risky for rail-line communities and those close to the terminals, but also that coal is a very different commodity from other bulk exports.

Three Northwest Cities Join New Energy Cities Communities

by Elizabeth Willmott on

Hillsboro, OR, Boise, ID, and Issaquah, WA joined the New Energy Cities community in Spring 2012

May I (Re-)introduce You to District Energy?

by Tom Osdoba on

Recently, many cities have begun taking another look at district energy to address their energy challenges. Whether they are championing strategies to secure energy supplies, insulate themselves from price instability, or reduce greenhouse gas emissions, cities are finding district energy can do all of these simultaneously.

Inspired by the carbon-rich soils of Amazonia

by Patrick Mazza on

Biochar has had an interesting run over the past several years. As with so many other emerging climate solutions, biochar burst into public awareness a few years back with a wave of grassroots enthusiasm. 

The Carbon Price Bogeyman

by Tom Osdoba on

Why are we so afraid of carbon pricing? Whenever this topic is raised, people get tense, nervous, or outraged out of all proportion to the actual impact that putting a price on carbon would have for most of us.

Getting to Scale

by Tom Osdoba on

Carbon neutral cities require three components: policy and institutional innovations; organized capital; and extensive outreach, education and public engagement.

Creating markets for nature's goods and services

by Patrick Mazza on

The BioCycle Conference in Portland April 16-19 focused on the new economics of materials and natural services – harnessing organic wastes with processes that make valuable goods, and valuing ecological services to send the right signals on the use of nature in general.

The Innovation Chronicles

by Tom Osdoba on

Do current utility models have anything to offer us in solving our energy dilemma – transforming our system by driving radical efficiency improvements, smart infrastructure, and multiple kinds of distributed, renewable energy technologies?

Organic residues provide a vital link to solving the climate crisis

by Patrick Mazza on

What do yard trimmings, food waste, woody materials, biosolids, manure, municipal solid waste and other organic residues have to do with cooling our overheating climate? 

Reality TV may be unreal, but these innovators tackle a bigger problem with bona fide zeal

by Rhys Roth on

Climate change can sometimes seem like the proliferation of bizarre ‘reality TV’, a problem so huge and entrenched only those with a Quixote complex would be crazy enough to tackle it. 

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act