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Let's Sell People What They Want: Solar

by Tom Osdoba on

Investors and customers continue to embrace solar.

REACCH-ing for farming’s future

by Patrick Mazza on

Climate change is among the greatest challenges facing 21st century agriculture. To anticipate those challenges a cutting-edge Northwest scientific exploration is bringing some very 21st century tools to bear.

REACCH-ing for farming’s future

by Patrick Mazza on

Climate change is among the greatest challenges facing 21st century agriculture. To anticipate those challenges a cutting-edge Northwest scientific exploration is bringing some very 21st century tools to bear.

Protecting shrinking farmlands

by Patrick Mazza on

In a world of ever increasing stress on our food and energy supplies, it makes little sense to pave farmland under sprawl, but that’s what we’ve been doing. 

Protecting shrinking farmlands

by Patrick Mazza on

In a world of ever increasing stress on our food and energy supplies, it makes little sense to pave farmland under sprawl, but that’s what we’ve been doing.  A new report from American Farmland Trust (AFT) documents more than 800,000 acres of Puget Sound farmland lost in the 12 counties around the Sound since 1950. The remaining 600,000 acres are “far from secure.” AFT notes in Losing Ground: Farmland Protection in the Puget Sound Region.

Super-cool biocarbon tracking tool

by Patrick Mazza on

At Climate Solutions, we are delighted to see the term “biocarbon” gain increasing play. It’s a crucial concept for climate stabilization, and  the BioCarbon Tracker  will help spread the word. This cool, new map-based web tool illustrates biocarbon resources around the world.

Unpave paradise, get rid of the parking lots

by Rhys Roth on

Our country, America the Beautiful, boasts somewhere between 105 million and 2 billion parking spaces, according to a New York Times blog that caught my eye the other day.  This boggles my mind on two levels:

Want Low-Cost Power? Bank on Innovation

by Letha Tawney on

Letha Tawney of the World Resources Institute addresses the benefits of public investment in energy innovation.

Mapping carbon sequestration potential across the nation

by Patrick Mazza on

Back in the late 1800s when John Wesley Powell was navigating the unknown Colorado River his agency, the US Geological Service, did vital work filling in many blank spaces on the map of the nation. USGS  is now mapping the potential of natural ecosystems to absorb and store carbon released by human activities.

A Tale of Two Schools

by Bobby Hayden on

Facing uncomfortable, outdated facilities, two school districts partnered with local businesses and governments to retrofit their buildings,  cutting costs, saving energy and enhancing their learning environments.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act