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As seen on TV: the future of cars is electric

by Jonathan Lawson on

Michael Regan poised for confirmation to head the EPA; What to make of carmakers' sudden enthusiasm for EVs?

Transition 2021 off to a good start

by Jonathan Lawson on

"Federal climate action:" no longer an oxymoron

A climate protection plan that exempts gas power plants(?!)

by Zach Baker on

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has proposed exempting the state's fossil gas power plants from their Climate Protection Program. This cannot stand.

Climate Leaders Live!

by Climate Solutions on

Climate Leaders Live! is a web video series hosted by Climate Solutions where we, and collaborators, present conversations, policy deep dives, and explorations of how we can build a better future together. We’ll hear from organizations, businesses, elected officials, and community leaders in public health, environmental justice and more—leaders who are thinking big and working on different approaches to accelerate our transition to an equitable, just, and 100% clean economy.Join us throughout the year and learn more about real climate solutions.

Living cleaner: why cities are shifting to all-electric buildings

by Deepa Sivarajan on

We can make sure that our buildings are healthy and safe. A transition to all-electric will require our communities dispelling misinformation and speaking up for policies that move us off gas in an equitable and just way.

Why cap-and-invest? One strategy for carbon reduction

by Vlad Gutman-Britten on

Climate Solutions' approach to the Climate Commitment Act, Governor Inslee’s proposed cap-and-invest system, and other systems like it

Washington's long-term growth planning must consider climate change

by Climate Solutions on

Prepared testimony supporting HB 1099, revising Washington's Growth Management Act to consider climate response in long-term regional planning

Is Oregon's clean energy transition on track?

by Jonathan Lee on

Join our discussion exploring what powers our energy system today, where the trends are headed, and it all means for an energy-smart, climate-safe future for Oregon.

High hopes and great expectations: a political shift on climate

by Jonathan Lawson on

Washington's legislative session begins. So does the Biden administration.

Cutting pollution with clean fuels: a top climate priority for Washington

by Leah Missik on

Right now, Washington is a lonely outlier on the West coast: the only state that is not benefiting from a Clean Fuel Standard.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act