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The Clean Fuel Standard gets its first virtual hearing. Be "there."

by Ben Jones on

This year's legislative session is taking place online—but you can still sign in to testify, or to register your support for climate action. We'll keep you informed!

2021: Action time for climate in the Washington Legislature

by Vlad Gutman-Britten on

Naysayers will claim that this is not the time for climate action in Washington, not with COVID, racial injustice, and economic recovery on the agenda. But we don’t need to choose between our major priorities: we can achieve climate progress, recover from COVID impacts, and fight systemic racism all at the same time.

Oregon's Environmental Quality Commission chooses industry over communities to develop air pollution regulations

by Zach Baker on

The EQC has decided to stack the cap-and-reduce rulemaking advisory committee with fossil fuel and big business interests.

Here's your clean energy team for 2021

by Jonathan Lawson on

Biden's climate picks bring experience, grit and a focus on environmental justice. Plus: Who the gas industry is targeting now, and climate book recommendations for the holidays!

Join the club on this 350th day of the year

by Jonathan Lee on

Climate Solutions’ 350 Club members are an integral part of our organization and your help is needed to propel the transition to our clean energy future.

The surprising economics behind going all-electric (hint, the numbers are pretty good)

by Deepa Sivarajan on

So far our blog series on clean, all-electric buildings has shown how we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and improve our health and safety, but what about the economic impacts?

Urge Multnomah County to build 100% clean energy-powered libraries

by Jonathan Lee on

Multnomah County voters recently approved $387 million in library construction bonds. Let's ensure this new building is 100% clean and fossil free.

ClimateCast: A secret antidote to 2020's triple crises?

by Jonathan Lawson on

In this issue of Climate Cast: Mapping climate, racism, and pandemic impacts, Biden's climate plans, and solar's continued rise.

Pollution is coming… from inside the house

by Deepa Sivarajan on

Washington and Oregon can do better to protect residents by creating clean, safe, all-electric buildings. In this second part of our blog series on all-electric buildings, we outline the health and safety risks of using gas, and detail how all-electric buildings can be the climate and health solution we need.

The Path Forward on Climate Change in the Northwest

by Gregg Small on

Is there room for climate action in the coming year, given all our other challenges? You bet there is. (We're also looking back—read our Climate Action Report 2020!)

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act