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ClimateCast logo over passive house

Exxon and VW concealed impacts of their products

Sweden sets goal of going completely fossil-free, China to work with US on utility innovation and decarbonizing cities, union opposes coal port in Oakland, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions

ClimateCast logo over sea ice off Ross Island, Antarctica

Solar adding 1 GW a month, CA gets half a climate loaf

California to require 50% renewable electricity by 2030, utility CEO says baseload is an outdated concept, France ends export credits for coal plants, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions

ClimateCast logo over President Obama shooting Alaskan landscape

California's next climate steps hang in the balance

Obama brings climate road show to Alaska, solar industry ponders a future unsupported by tax credits, Citibank and IEA see clean energy reaching cost parity, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions

New Orleans' incomplete recovery; global drive towards clean energy

Ten years later, the Big Easy is still recovering from Katrina; global traction for renewable energy; climate-friendly investments expand; and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo over German coal protestors

Climate pledges fall short; activists swarm coal mine

Solar prices dropping, global temperatures rising, wind farms producing more energy for every megawatt of capacity, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo over luminescent solar collectors

Kiwis go coal-free by 2018; Ikea to carry only LED bulbs

Canadian candidates debate climate; Brazil’s oil company in multi-billion-dollar corruption scandal; German solar power outdoes its nuke plants; and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo over California wildfire

Final Clean Power rules tougher, less friendly to gas

Second-largest U.S. coal company files for bankruptcy, small businesses can finance solar arrays on their property tax bills, UPS aims for 12 percent renewable fuel by 2017, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions. 

ClimateCast logo over offshore wind farm

Mega-firms pledge $140 B in climate investments

Wind and solar lead renaissance in Buffalo, NY; construction begins on first US offshore wind farm; France to quadruple its price on carbon; and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo over Louvre pyramid and its plaza, Paris

NE profits from carbon cap, King Coal's fall continues

Japan pledges 26 percent cut in climate pollution, Consumer Reports endorses the used Nissan Leaf, “yieldcos” offer key financing for solar projects, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo over firefighter silhouetted by flames

Community solar rising, electric jet crosses Channel

Carbon Tracker finds $283 billion in LNG plants unnecessary, BMW rolls out electric 18-wheeler, dossier exposes oil firms’ dissembling on climate issue, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.



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