Climate Solutions' 8th Annual Breakfast
Climate champion Aimée Christensen will keynote our annual breakfast in May. Join us, along with leaders from all sectors of the clean energy economy, environmental advocates, and elected officials!
Climate champion Aimée Christensen will keynote our annual breakfast in May. Join us, along with leaders from all sectors of the clean energy economy, environmental advocates, and elected officials!
Climate Solutions looks at the climate promise of electric vehicles, and what it would take for EVs to play a significant role in decarbonizing the Northwest’s economy.
On April 19, 2016 the Western Washington University Institute for Energy Studies will be holding its first Energy Symposium. Students, faculty, and invited experts in the field of energy will be joining together on Western's campus for presentations, lively panel discussions, student poster sessions, and networking. Space is limited. Register now.
On March 10 Seattle took a key step on its path to be carbon neutral by 2050, when Mayor Ed Murray signed
Arch Coal has found itself up Otter Creek without a paddle. They're in trouble. But they're still pushing a huge coal export proposal in Longview, WA—and we still must fight to stop them.
The annual Climate Leadership Conference is happening in Seattle March 8-10! Check out the powerhouse of plenary speakers, panels, and workshops. Top climate, energy, and sustainability professionals are coming together to address climate change through policy, innovation, and business solutions.
The 2nd annual Northwest Wood-Based Biofuels & Co-Products Conference is an opportunity for regional leaders to communicate research findings and promote collaboration to convert wood to biofuels with focus on supply chain development, environmental impacts, co-products development for economic viability, K-12 education, and workforce development. Although the focus of the two-day conference will be on regional efforts, a national and global perspective would also be included.
Three themes will be highlighted at the conference:
Events in 2015 created so much momentum for the fight to stop global warming, and the first weeks of 2016 proved no different. Here's what Climate Solutions and our allies are doing to maintain course and speed towards a clean energy future.
Join the NW Energy Coalition for our Spring 2016 Clean & Affordable Energy Conference, May 19-20, in beautiful Missoula, Montana.
Our expert panelists will address opportunities for a cleaner energy future for Montana, including energy transitions in a carbon constrained world, the emerging large-scale solar market and strategies for delivering energy efficiency in rural areas.
Mark your calendars: Climate Solutions' annual reception in Olympia takes place on April 21, with keynote speaker Jeff Johnson, President of the Washington State Labor Council.