The future is now for zero-emissions driving

Seattle is at the leading edge of a great and challenging shift, decoupling transportation from fossil fuel consumption. Electric vehicles will continue to displace gas-powered cars as long as prices drop and charging infrastructure expands to meet the demand. NRG EVgo is part of the push to get 3.3 million EVs on the road by 2025.

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Let's go, climate champions!

We know it: the clean energy economy is inevitable, scalable and irresistible. The question is: can we bring it to fruition fast enough? With your help, WE CAN. Be a climate champion this month, and help us meet our goal!  

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Climate Change in the Context of the World Environmental Crisis

The Climate Action Team of University Unitarian Church is presenting a series of distinguished lecturers talking about how climate change will affect us locally, globally, and spiritually. On the first Tuesday of every month from October, 2015, through April, 2016, we will have the opportunity to hear an expert discussing a different aspect of climate change in our present and our future.

Indigenous Climate Justice Symposium

The 1st annual Indigenous Climate Justice Symposium will be held at The Evergreen State College Longhouse on November 5-6, 2015. It will bring together speakers from Native communities that are working to keep fossil fuels in the ground, by stopping coal terminals, oil trains and fracking, and protecting treaty resources from the threat of climate change. Its major goal would be to get students and youth, particularly tribal youth, involved in community-based climate justice efforts. All events are free and open to Evergreen students and the public.

Protect the Northwest from Big Oil!

We don't have to let Big Oil turn the beautiful Northwest into a dangerous oil train superhighway. But that's what they're trying to accomplish with new terminal proposals along our coast. Here's how we can say no!

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Crude Oil terminals are wrong for Grays Harbor

The dangers of oil trains are dominating headlines about proposed oil terminals in Washington. As a long-time crab fisherman out of Grays Harbor, I’m very concerned about another risk: the potential consequences of a major oil spill.

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