Oregon reclaims leadership on climate action

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: After partisan delay and denial tactics in the Oregon Legislature, Governor Kate Brown stepped up and fulfilled her long-standing promise to take strong executive action to address the climate crisis.

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Oregon Capitol at night

Oregon’s legislature fails again to deliver on climate action

Once again, a minority bloc of Republican lawmakers backed by big polluters – this time in both the Senate and the House – chose to break our democratic process by refusing to show up for work for weeks, many hiding out of state. This is not how democracy is supposed to work; Oregonians deserve better.

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Rally at Oregon Capitol

Delay is denial: Oregon's climate emergency needs us all

Our #1 priority remains comprehensive statewide climate action. The bill to make this happen, Senate Bill 1530, was just passed by the joint budget committees and is currently ready for a vote on the Senate floor. However, immediately after the budget vote this morning, eleven Senate Republicans fled the Capitol yet again to deny quorum for the Senate to conduct any business.

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It's go-time for the Oregon Legislature to pass cap-and-invest

Submitted by Zach Baker on

As we head into the 2020 session, we’re doing everything we can to ensure the Legislature passes a strong cap and invest policy. We’re also working on a number of other complementary bills to move the ball forward on climate – some of which are also unfinished business from last session.

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2020: Climate goes on the offense

Submitted by Gregg Small on

We won major climate and clean energy victories in 2019, but we are entering 2020 with a list of unfinished business in both Washington and Oregon. Here's how we're going on the offense this year for climate progress.

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