We've got momentum

Submitted by Gregg Small on

Events in 2015 created so much momentum for the fight to stop global warming, and the first weeks of 2016 proved no different. Here's what Climate Solutions and our allies are doing to maintain course and speed towards a clean energy future.

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First out of the gate: Oregon poised for climate action

Oregon’s Legislature may be headed into a short session next week, but the agenda for climate and clean energy is nothing short of completely impressive. Only two months after the historic Paris Agreement on climate change, Oregon is poised to be the first state out of the gate to heed the call to action.

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Oregon's Energy Future

Join us at the conference for those building Oregon's clean energy economy!
Oregon's Energy Future is Oregon's leading forum for exploring the business side of clean energy, with content covering:
  • - Policy & Economic Development
  • - The Business of Renewable Energy
  • - The Business of Energy Efficiency
  • - Energy Technology & Innovation

A new future

Submitted by Beth Doglio on

We're proud of our grandfathers who mined coal to power our economy in decades past. We hope that our grandchildren will be proud of our generation's work to replace coal with clean and renewable sources of energy. That transition is steaming ahead in 2016.

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