Why Electric Vehicles are a Climate Solution
Climate Solutions looks at the climate promise of electric vehicles, and what it would take for EVs to play a significant role in decarbonizing the Northwest’s economy.
Climate Solutions looks at the climate promise of electric vehicles, and what it would take for EVs to play a significant role in decarbonizing the Northwest’s economy.
Join Oreogn Physicians for Social Responsibility in celebrating the next generation of peace and environmental activists at the 2016 Greenfield Peace Writing Scholarship Awards Ceremony. This year’s scholarship asked high school juniors and seniors to respond to the following prompt:
“How would a successful movement to confront climate change help create a more just and peaceful world?”
Senior Advocates for Generational Equity (SAGE), a non-profit dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges facing future generations, will host best-selling author Paul Hawken in Portland in May as its 2016 Visiting SAGE. Paul Hawken is a world-renown environmentalist, entrepreneur, and best-selling author on sustainability. He will speak about his work with Project Drawdown, a non-profit that is mapping and modeling 100 existing, substantive solutions to reverse climate change.
We're still celebrating Oregon's new Clean Electricity and Coal Transition law! Here we explain why we love it so much, how it moves the needle towards climate security, and what's left to be done.
Dem candidates take different approaches to fracking, China to reduce its energy intensity 18% by 2020, Canada weighs national carbon pricing, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.
Legislation will move Oregon off coal power, double state’s clean energy target to 50% by 2040
Oregon is now on its way to have one of the cleanest energy grids in the country. We're so proud!
Utilities move to cut coal use despite stay on Clean Power Plan, Shell replaces executive who led Arctic oil push, Midwest wind generation sets new records, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.
It's time for Oregon to reclaim a leadership position on building codes and to join the vanguard of states leading the way in pursuit of net zero energy homes and businesses.