Green Transportation Summit & Expo

The Green Transportation Summit & Expo offers private and public fleets operators several education tracks from industry experts and government agencies a unique experience with Bio Fuels, Hydrogen, CNG, LNG, RNG, LPG, EV's and more. Hands-on real world application of alternative fuel infrastructure and equipment demonstrations. Including a one of a kind vehicle "Ride & Drive" on the Portland International Raceway track.

Why You Should Attend:

Coal to Clean Energy Forum - Corvallis

Did you know that Oregon still gets one third of its energy from out-of-state coal? 
Pacific Power, for example, actually gets two-thirds of its energy from coal plants in Montana, Utah and Wyoming.
This is bad news, as you well know. Coal plants are the single biggest air polluter in the country, making coal a leading cause of climate disruption and a major public health threat.

Cities on the Move

Aggressive city action can reduce global carbon emissions at least 10% by 2030, according to a C40 report at the UN Climate Summit. Across the US, we see examples of cities that are investing in clean energy and carbon reduction solutions.

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