And the Insulation is Perfect: Physics, Ecology and High Performance Enclosures (Portland)
…and the insulation is perfect: West Coast Tour 2014, a Lothar Moll presentation on physics, ecology and building enclosures
…and the insulation is perfect: West Coast Tour 2014, a Lothar Moll presentation on physics, ecology and building enclosures
It’s been an eventful Fall already in the world of climate and clean energy, with more in store. Check out the latest news and upcoming events from the Oregon team.
With last summer’s increase in wildfires and other climate-related shifts, global warming effects in the Northwest are becoming increasingly more apparent. This panel discussion will analyze local climate change trends in our region, and give insight into how these will shape the Pacific Northwestern lifestyle.
There's no need for massive investments in coal export infrastructure; Let’s leave that in the past, build on recent victories, and commit to a future fueled by clean energy.
The region's largest professional solar training conference, for experienced solar professionals, sales persons, project managers, architects, engineers and those new to the industry.
More than 200 companies so far have joined the Oregon Business Climate Declaration's call for state action on climate, Signers so far include Intel, eBay, Symantec, Nike and Adidas.
The 400,000 People's Climate Marchers are right: the carbon bubble is beginning to pop. Coal is on the ropes, and those who have been resisting divestment are now kicking themselves for staying in too long. Oil and gas will lose their grip more slowly, but they will lose it.
Kelly Hall finds people deeply concerned about equality around the world and how a changing climate exacerbates existing social problems all over the globe.
“Climate change?! That’s a global thing. Let the global people deal with it.”
Solar and wind reap worldwide benefits from German shift to renewables, World Bank expects carbon pricing news at next week's summit, climate change versus the birds, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions