3 Ways to Support Housing Justice and COVID-19 Solidarity (Washington edition)
Many of the solutions needed to ease the broader impacts of COVID-19 will also ease the transition to climate justice—such as good
Many of the solutions needed to ease the broader impacts of COVID-19 will also ease the transition to climate justice—such as good
Many workers most essential for our response to the COVID-19 crisis are in some of the most low-paid, exploited and undervalued professions. Here's how you can support frontline workers in WA and OR.
Washington must address the climate pollution that comes from our largest source of it—transportation.
Washington Senate Democrats allowed the most significant climate policy proposal this year—the Clean Fuel Standard—to languish and die.
Washington Senate Democrats handed veto power to a small minority of its caucus, and failed to take action to cut transportation pollution—ignoring a priority of 66% of WA voters
A lengthy Senate Transportation Committee hearing highlighted the urgency for Washington to act on transportation emissions, benefits to rural communities and cleaner air quality, and the depth of community concern for well-being related to climate change.
Efforts to make available cleaner transportation fuels in Washington State move forward as bill passes out of a key Senate committee
For climate progress and clean energy, here's where things stand with less than three weeks remaining in Washington’s legislative session.