Listed below are all articles tagged with "carbon sequestration"


Building natural carbon: five policy principles

Carbon dioxide levels hit 395 parts per million in 2012, the highest in four or five million years when sea levels were around 80 feet higher and temperatures up to 10° Fahrenheit hotter. If we sustain those CO2 levels, or go higher as we are doing, a completely different world will emerge. 

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coastal wetland

Blue carbon goes big Down Under

Submitted by Rhys Roth on

Australia is launching one of the most ambitious ‘blue carbon’ mapping projects ever.  ‘Blue carbon’ is the capture and storage of carbon pollution from the atmosphere in ocean plants and sediments on the seabed.

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flood in California

Pacific coast readies for climate superstorm

While the East Coast still struggled to recover from Superstorm Sandy, a Nov. 13th Climate Risk Roundtable convened in San Francisco to explore the challenges of keeping society’s vital systems running as the climate grows more turbulent.

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sea otter

Little known fact: sea otters are biocarbon Ninjas!

Submitted by Rhys Roth on

On a marine wildlife cruise in Alaska recently I got to touch a sea otter pelt–it was so luxuriously soft my knees almost buckled with pleasure. A new study found that these critters are not only super-cuddly, they also play an outsized role in sucking up carbon from the atmosphere and storing it safely away in the sea.

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