Photo of house roof truss
Recapping Oregon's 2022 Legislative Session
This session, the legislature provided historic levels of investments in clean energy solutions and electric vehicles, as well as significant progress for environmental and social justice in our state.
Carbon sequestration

The 400 ppm threshold

The only way back to Target 350 is to stop putting so much carbon pollution in the air and at the same time to remove a lot of the accumulated carbon from the air.

Cows grazing

Guest Blog: More livestock to save the planet?

A conversation between Chad Kruger, Director of  WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Allan Savory, Presiden

Building natural carbon: five policy principles

Carbon dioxide levels hit 395 parts per million in 2012, the highest in four or five million years when sea levels were around 80 feet higher and temperatures up to 10° Fahrenheit hotter. If we sustain those CO2 levels, or go higher as we are doing, a completely different world will emerge. 

Tanner Springs

Urban ecosystem services: the promise of green infrastructure

Urban green infrastructure is increasingly seen as an effective way to meet regulatory obligations for control of polluted runoff or high stormwater flows, while also generating an array of ecosystem service co-benefits.

Distribution of blue carbon

Restoring tidal wetlands: pioneering a biocarbon solution at the Snohomish River Delta

Tidal wetlands provide great potential to sequester and store greenhouse gases. Restore Americas Estuaries and EarthCorps are investigating the carbon sequestration value of tidal wetlands.

coastal wetland

Blue carbon goes big Down Under

Australia is launching one of the most ambitious ‘blue carbon’ mapping projects ever.  ‘Blue carbon’ is the capture and storage of carbon pollution from the atmosphere in ocean plants and sediments on the seabed.


The business case for greening our cities

We know ‘green infrastructure’ can provide low-cost solutions for communities to better handle those big pulses of water gushing over roads and into pipes when the big rains come… and we know greening our cities is good for biocarbon and for the human spirit. 

Cedar Grove

Garbage Gone Green

How a family-owned composting business transforms the Northwest garbage industry, captures carbon, changes consumer behavior and creates jobs.

Old Growth Forest, Oswald West State Park, Oregon. Photo by David Patte/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Ecosystems capacity to store carbon in future depends on emissions reductions now

How much carbon is stored in natural systems of the continental western US?  How much will be stored in future decades? A new US Geological Service survey provides some sobering answers.

California redwood forest

Guest Blog: AB 32 - Funding a greener world while building jobs and a robust economy

Imagine a world where we invest billions of dollars in improving ecosystem resilience to help combat climate change, all because doing so sucks up vast amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and provides pure oxygen in return.

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The 400 ppm threshold

Submitted by Rhys Roth on

The only way back to Target 350 is to stop putting so much carbon pollution in the air and at the same time to remove a lot of the accumulated carbon from the air.

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Biocarbon in forest soils: A lot more than meets the eye

When you envision a forest, what do you picture? A lot of trees, right? But what you probably don’t picture is what’s under the forest floor: soil. In most forests, the amount of carbon stored in the soil is greater than the amount stored in the trees. But how does it get there?

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Building natural carbon: five policy principles

Carbon dioxide levels hit 395 parts per million in 2012, the highest in four or five million years when sea levels were around 80 feet higher and temperatures up to 10° Fahrenheit hotter. If we sustain those CO2 levels, or go higher as we are doing, a completely different world will emerge. 

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