image of an Oregon waterfall
Oregon is worth defending! Submit Public Comment for the Climate Protection Program Today
It’s time! It’s time for us to protect and strengthen Oregon’s landmark Climate Protection Program (CPP)! You can help by sharing your thoughts about the importance of protecting our state’s climate future, and the need for a strong CPP.
Climate change

Help Portland and Multnomah County commit to 100% clean energy

Let's do this! City and County votes are scheduled for June 1 on a visionary energy goal that will help Portland lead the way towards a safe and healthy future.

Hope, community and clean energy

Good jobs, vital communities and clean energy are the way forward as we transition away from the pollution, health risks and climate damage of the fossil fuel era. Majora Carter inspired us with storytelling at Climate Solutions' annual breakfast.

Thanks a quarter million +.

Here's why events like the People's Climate March make it easier to believe the evidence that the fossil fuel empire is entering terminal decline. 

ClimateCast logo over 100% Renewable banner from Climate March

Clean energy employs more Americans than gas & coal

Costly flood insurance augurs tailspin for coastal real estate, Big Island tops 50% clean power for 2016, Denmark expects wind will compete without subsidies in a few years, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 

Earth Day to May Day - a week of climate action!

In Washington and Oregon, we're ready for a week of climate action, from Earth Day to May Day! Check out this list of events and we'll see you there.

ClimateCast logo over solar PV installer

World economy grows, carbon pollution doesn’t

Shell sells off its stake in Canadian tar sands, US solar installations in 2016 nearly double the previous year, poll shows highest-ever level of American concern for the climate, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Let's show up for clean energy!

The Clean Energy Transition Act gets a hearing at the Washington State Legislature on March 14. Let's fill the room and show our support!

ClimateCast logo over flow from Oroville spillway

Wind power rises in South; Pruitt takes over at EPA

Oroville Dam survives critical week, US solar installations nearly double in 2016, Toshiba chairman resigns over $6 billion in nuclear construction losses, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo over researchers sampling melt ponds in sea ice

Solar power now cheaper than coal at Indian auction

Australia, Arctic, and Oklahoma bake in heat waves, Sioux tribes sue over pipeline construction, US wind capacity now exceeds hydropower, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

What problem is the "conservative solution" a solution to?

When it comes to a "conservative climate solution," can ideas appealing to "conservative values" move conservative policymakers? And can elite-driven planning result in truly equitable policy?

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We all agree: it's time for climate action in Washington

A coalition of more than 25 organizations sent a message to Washington state legislators calling for strong climate action, in the form of three key solutions: (1) supporting a path to 100% carbon-free electricity, (2) putting a price on carbon pollution, and (3) advancing clean fuels for transportation.

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2017: The highlights were pretty bright

Submitted by Gregg Small on

Yes, 2017 was an awful year in many ways. But it was also a year of transition for climate action. We and many others affirmed our ability to make progress at the speed and scale our climate crisis demands.

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