Photo of person installing an electric heat pump
Keeping cool with electric heat pumps
Amidst another extreme and record-breaking heat wave, affordable and energy-efficient cooling is essential for everyone. Electric heat pumps can make that happen.
ClimateCast logo over windpower kite

Germany: ban new gas & diesel autos in EU by 2030

Climate pollution from international flights to be capped, two oil terminals halted in WA and CA, home air-conditioner makes ice while the sun shines on your rooftop PVs, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

Low-Carbon Grid, High-Carbon Highways

The bulk of Washington and Oregon’s carbon pollution comes from transportation. We've got (mostly) clean electricity—now let's electrify everything, including cars and trucks.

ClimateCast logo over artist's rendition of electric bus

Clean energy grows, makes fossil power less profitable

Worldwide electric car sales up 49 percent in first half of 2016, designers develop wearable solar cells, Canada to set a minimum national carbon price, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo over shot of President Barack Obama shaking hands with UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon

US & China ratify Paris pact, Dakota oil protest heats up

Grid in the eastern US could accommodate 30% renewable power, ‘sunny day’ coastal flooding already commonplace, UN body drafts rules to limit airline emissions, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo over blessing of Lummi totem pole

Cut climate pollution 40% by 2030? CA: “Yes, we will!”

Lummi bring totem pole to Sioux pipeline protest, sea-level rise may claim 1.9 million US homes by 2100, EV is to internal combustion as cell is to landline, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 

ClimateCast logo over powerlines at sunset

Solar marks new low price, US gets first offshore wind

US finalizes fuel economy standards for big trucks, Louisiana floods made more likely by global warming, Washington rolls out smart grid pilot projects, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo above twilight view of California wildfire

Solar power rates rattled, China’s coal use has peaked

New York passes 50% RPS and billion-dollar nuclear subsidy, Ford to test self-driving vehicles on MIT campus, Sierra Club to retire 53-million-ton coal deposit, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast log over EVs charging

Hawaii nixes power merger, rejecting BC’s LNG exports

World nears pact to phase out climate- destabilizing refrigerants, US offers $4.5 billion in loan guarantees for EV charging, 18 GW of pumped hydro storage in pipeline, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo above sunset clouds and PV panels

Montana coal plant Colstrip will close two units by 2022

Canada to enact national carbon price this year, Pacific island nations draft treaty to end fossil fuel extraction, Nevadans will vote whether to restore net metering, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 

ClimateCast logo over image of house on eroding island

CA meets solar goal early, India signs for 1 GW of PVs

100-MW battery outcompetes a natural-gas peaker plant in LA, Germany replaces feed-in tariffs with clean power auction, Chinese automaker unveils solar car, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.



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