Photo of high prairie with Mt. Adams in background
Mixed Results from Oregon's 2024 Legislative Session
Here’s a quick rundown of what happened — and what didn’t happen — to make further progress on climate during Oregon's 2024 legislative session.
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Marchers pack NY streets; loud calls to price carbon

Rockefeller family foundation to divest from the very fuels that built their fortune, U.S. Navy orders 100 million gallons of biofuels, novices build a wind generator from scratch, and more stories of the week in clean energy.

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German clean-energy push makes ripples worldwide

Solar and wind reap worldwide benefits from German shift to renewables, World Bank expects carbon pricing news at next week's summit, climate change versus the birds, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions

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Wind prices hit new lows, solar panel glut disappears

Court rules for making the power grid friendlier to renewables, Western drought so bad that the mountains are rebounding, China's coal use actually declines, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

A modern energy system for a changing climate

It's time for Northwest utilities to improve coordination of our region’s flexible generation through an Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).

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Community control good for carbon storage

California flooded with proposals for grid storage; narrow escape from oil-spill disaster in Seattle; climate change impacts our mental health; and much more.

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Migrating to high ground

Pacific islanders secure a refuge from rising seas, compost boosts carbon storage in California ranchlands, Venetian-style canals floated for Manhattan, and much more. 

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Utility bonds downgraded on promise of rooftop solar with storage

Renewables gain market share as prices drop, Royal Dutch Shell rebuffs 'stranded asset' worries, California cap-and-trade laid bare, and much more

Big Carbon's Worst Economic Nightmare

Renewable energy is growing fast, despite big oil's efforts to slow it down. We need both tech progress and political pressure to keep expanding green power. 

ClimateCast Logo over Divestment sign

Good money after bad

In this week's ClimateCast: fossil fuels pose new risks for investors, Stanford divests from coal, China in climate talks with the U.S., prices for renewable electricity drop to parity with fossil gas, and much more.  

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Europeans see financial risk in fossil fuels

In this week’s ClimateCast: Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announces climate plan, New York utilities rethink their business model, pteropods succumbing to sour sea water, and more.

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Women in Trades Career Fair

The largest non-traditional career fair of its kind, Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. produces the interactive, 3-day Women in Trades Career Fair to increase the overall number of women working in the trades and to help fill the imminent gap in the labor force that will be created with record-levels of upcoming retirements of skilled trades people.

Produced annually since 1993, this unique, industry sponsored and volunteer powered event offers dozens of hands-on activities designed to introduce women and girls to the possibility of a future career in the trades.

Oregon Conservation Network Lobby Day

About OCN

The Oregon Conservation Network (OCN) is coordinated by OLCV's Education Fund. 

Over 40 Oregon conservation organizations work together in the Legislature on shared Priorities for a Healthy Oregon. Together, we pass pro-conservation laws, protect our unique quality of life, and ensure a better Oregon for our children.

OCN is powered by the thousands of Oregonians who belong to its member organizations.