• Transition Time

    by Ross Macfarlane on

    As I prepare to retire from Climate Solutions' staff, I'm hopeful about the even bigger transition that we're working towards together--away from fossil fuels, building a clean energy economy.

  • EPA issues methane rules, global heat spirals upward

    by Seth Zuckerman on

    Oil companies give up Arctic drilling leases, Ontario considers far-reaching climate plan, analysts plumb the factors behind Dubai’s 3-cent-per-kwh solar bid, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

  • Thanks to you, the Bright Future looks near!

    by Gregg Small on

    Thanks to everyone who helped make our annual breakfast a great success this year! Climate and clean energy leader Aimée Christensen and our other speakers set the challenge, and gave us hope, for the bright future we can build together.

  • Feds reject coal terminal to respect native treaty rights

    by Seth Zuckerman on

    Solar power spreads virally among neighbors; Commonwealth Edison wants price supports to keep running its nuclear plants; climatologists aren’t, uh, messing with you; and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 

  • A Climate Motherhood Manifesto

    by Kathy Washienko on

    Mother’s Day is a great time to reflect on the role of women, especially us moms, in the fight against climate change; Bringing our mom voices together, persistently and loudly, may be our most important tool for moving climate progress forward.

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The Stakes are High

This fall, here's how we protect climate progress in Washington:

Vote NO on I-2066
Vote NO on I-2117

In Oregon:

Support restoring the Climate Protection Program

and, of course, Vote!

Article Summary

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