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ClimateCast - slashy playground

Are we in a climate emergency? How is that not a dumb question?

After Manchin's latest reversal, real U.S. climate leadership remains a strong possibility. Also, it's hot

climatecast header over new images of the carina nebula

Climate + cosmos = 💌

Space is the place, extreme heat felt across the globe, and coal is still not going to work

Coal stacks

Supreme Court versus a livable future

Reactions to the SCOTUS climate decision; climate change and young people's mental health; and the importance of nurturing optimism despite everything.

ClimateCast - solar installer

Biden invokes war powers to speed clean energy shift

This week, President Biden issued a number of executive orders taking action on clean energy, to make solar panels, heat pumps, insulation and other products for the clean energy transition

ClimateCast, international flags

(Other) nations leading on clean energy transition

Who's showing leadership on clean buildings? Also: bigotry maquerading as environmental concern.

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What does equitable internet access have to do with climate?

Bridging the digital divide, EVs keep accelerating, fossil fuel dirty deeds, and spreading climate hope.

ClimateCast 29 April 2022

You'll get a charge out of these clean energy developments

Washington leads with action on clean energy in commercial buildings. Also: clean energy everywhere demands grid growth and better batteries; both are coming.

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Freeway expansion and climate action don't mix

Freeway expansion and climate action don’t mix As youth-organized climate protests against the Oregon Department of Transportation’s

Historical map showing redlining

Manchin accepts new leadership roles

Headlines on Joe Manchin and wind power in Texas; environmental justice and access to clean air; and other news on climate and clean energy. Warning: includes April Fools Day jokes alongside actual news!

Bicyclists and cherry blossoms

Clean energy. Fossil-fueled crisis. Tipping points are here

In this week's ClimateCast: clean energy results from the Oregon and Washington legislatures; fossil fuels and the Ukraine humanitarian crisis; and the EPA takes action on truck emissions



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Historical map showing redlining

Manchin accepts new leadership roles

Headlines on Joe Manchin and wind power in Texas; environmental justice and access to clean air; and other news on climate and clean energy. Warning: includes April Fools Day jokes alongside actual news!
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