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I voted

The Election arrives, along with a climate clock countdown

Climate voters vote, with candidates' positions on climate and clean energy playing a significant role in many races.

Climate Cast header graphic

Much ado about climate in November

With only a few weeks left until the November 3rd election, there’s much ado in the media’s climate coverage about 

wildfire damage, Oregon

Ready for a gasoline-free future? CA is

California is ready to quit gas-fueled cars... a presidential legacy of intentional climate inaction... and the latest news on climate and clean energy

climatecast header graphic for 2020-09-18

What the hell just happened?

An unprecedented use of the word "unprecedented" in describing recent climate impacts. For many across the West Coast, the end of summer has been harrowing with hellish wildfires and livi


Hope is huge. But is it enough?

Big oil takes heat for lobbying against clean energy... plus more of the latest climate news.

Climate cast header graphic

ClimateCast: A hot and heavy week in August

Do Democrats oppose fossil fuel subsidies?

Text: 'Climate Cast - the latest in clean energy solutions' over an image of the sun and a red sky

For businesses, climate is really the bottom line

The next frontier for clean energy transition: clean buildings.

Six Americas survey categories

Climate urgency: where are you on the spectrum?

Take a quick survey to see where you fit into the "six Americas" of climate change. Also: It was a bad week for the fossil fuel industry... and Time Magazine spotlights climate justice.

Cartoon gas flame "Don Fuego"

Hey, kids, fracked gas is good for you

Climate change tied to pregnancy risks—especially for Black women. Also, Seattle's new arena scores for climate action; Facebook is under pressure to get serious about hate speech...and climate action

woman holding black lives matter sign in a crowd

Climate justice and the movement to end police brutality

Black, indigenous and people of color leading within the environmental community are making the case that the climate movement must focus on the need to address police violence because an effective climate justice movement depends on BIPOC leadership.



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