Business Partnerships

Climate Solutions has a proud history of connecting business leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors committed to regional leadership, decisive action to reduce climate pollution, and a rapid transition to a clean and energy-efficient economy.

Current partnerships

Breaking Barriers Collaborative

Climate Solutions is one of five groups that founded the Breaking Barriers Collaborative — a joint program to support businesses in the Pacific Northwest that want to do more on climate and equitable action but need some support to get there — like how to decarbonize vehicle fleets.

Legacy partnerships and programs

Driving Forward

Join a growing coalition of businesses and organizations supporting a clean fuels standard for Washington.  

Sequential Pacific fueling station

The clean fuels economy moving forward in Oregon

Governor John Kitzhaber stood up to Big Oil today, while standing with business, legislative and labor leaders in Salem to announce two actions on Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program.

From climate impacts to solutions for Oregon businesses

In mid-January, during the State of Oregon’s “Legislative Days”, three business leaders in Oregon testified to the effects of climate change their industries are facing right now.

Oregon’s work-plan on climate and clean energy

Specifically for the 2014 short session, there was a collective agreement that lifting the 2015 sunset on the Clean Fuels Standard is a key priority, as is protecting the Renewable Portfolio Standard.  

Governor's climate workgroup proposes carbon cap, replacing coal with renewables

The Climate Workgroup issued its final reports last month, and while members remain divided, the final recommendations include a number of sensible climate solutions for Washington State.  

Boeing proposes Green Diesel for new jet fuel blends

In a potentially game-changing move, Boeing wants to increase the use of sustainable biodiesel as an ingredient in jet fuel.  

Clean tech's Mark Twain moment

The 60 Minutes piece was more than a case of bad reporting - it deliberately ignored the context within which clean tech operates: climate change.  

Out with the Old, In with the New... Keeping Momentum in 2014

This year is closing with a flurry of activity throughout the Northwest and 2014 is shaping up to be a critical year on the path to make the clean energy future a present reality in our region.

Banner year for Sustainable Advanced Fuels

In the short time since we formally launched our SAF program, we have had the opportunity to drive good policy and increase understanding of the opportunities, needs and specific actions required to support sustainable fuels in our region and around the world.

The end is nigh for Northwest coal export

The starkest warnings about the coming apocalypse are coming not from long-haired hippies, but from Wall Street bankers in three-piece suits. This is not another screed from an environmental fanatic predicting the end of the world; this is a discussion about the collapse of the business case for investments in coal export infrastructure.The starkest warnings about the coming apocalypse are coming not from long-haired hippies, but from Wall Street bankers in three-piece suits. This is not another screed from an environmental fanatic predicting the end of the world; this is a discussion about…



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Toward a Common Cause

Submitted by Richard Woo on

The financial tools being put to use are the divesting of fossil fuels and investing in renewable energy / sustainable alternatives.  The goal is to redirect financing, fuel innovation, and accelerate the shift to a lower carbon economy—which in the popular vernacular might literally “Save the World.”

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Driving Forward

Submitted by Chris Bast on

Join a growing coalition of businesses and organizations supporting a clean fuels standard for Washington.
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