What we're in for (unless we act fast)
The latest iteration of the National Climate Assessment gets particular about the risks our region faces without fast climate action.
The latest iteration of the National Climate Assessment gets particular about the risks our region faces without fast climate action.
Big oil bought a win in Washington's election. But they're now basically alone in propping up a failing system; that's just one of the fundamental weaknesses that will ultimately bring Oil down.
A big election for climate and clean energy in the Pacific Northwest.
Yes on 1631 labor leader Steve Garey on why so many people have dedicated themselves to shaping and working for I-1631. And now that the finish line is in sight, what it is that we hope to win together.
With less than a week before election day, it's time for Washington climate advocates to make sure we have done all we can to win on I-1631.
Here are some of the ways to help pass Washington's I-1631: our clean air, clean energy initiative. How can YOU help?
Oil companies and their mouthpieces are claiming that I-1631 will hit consumers hard—that we can't afford clean air and healthy communities. The thing is, they're not telling the truth.
Oil’s dominance will last only as long as they can bully us into believing we can’t have clean energy and better choices. That's why they're spending tens of millions to oppose I-1631.
Our Climate Solutions 10th Annual Dinner & 20th Anniversary Celebration on November 29 is a seated and catered dinner at the Hilton Portland 5:00pm-8:00pm with time allocated for check-in and mingling with the other guests between 5pm-6:00pm. Our keynote speaker is renewable energy visionary Hal Harvey, CEO of Energy Innovation. We anticipate attracting 350 people including business executives, policymakers, and community leaders. During the Dinner you will be given the opportunity to support our work by making a gift to Climate Solutions.
To register or to learn more about sponsorship, table host or tablew captain opportunities, please visit the event site. Thanks so much for your consideration and support! We look forward to seeing you there.