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The Clean Energy Economy is booming, with global investments in utility-scale wind and solar projects as well as rooftop solar, at a record $329 billion in 2015. Neither a 67% drop in oil prices through 2015, nor low global coal and natural gas prices curtailed global clean energy investment.

Our Clean Energy Economy focuses on the following tracks:

  1. Clean Energy Investment: The tremendous clean energy investment opportunity (the Clean Trillion) waiting in the wings to replace fossil investment
  2. Economic Development and Job Creation: The data that tell the story of how clean energy jobs are eclipsing fossil fuel jobs
  3. Economics of Renewable Energy: The rapidly falling costs of renewable energy and the dramatic adoption of renewable energy technology
  4. Unburnable Carbon/The Keystone Principle: The incontrovertible fact that the climate cannot withstand burning existing fossil fuel reserves, which means fossil fuel assets are wildly overvalued


Oregon businesses building power for a clean economy

The Renew Oregon coalition is bringing Oregon businesses together with other voices for climate action. The list of companies backing the Oregon Business Climate Declaration continues to grow, as Portland's Mayor issues a climate challenge to local businesses.

Lowering utility bills while creating jobs—now that's efficient

“Every watt saved by energy efficiency measures helps create living-wage jobs,” says Stephanie Pitts of McKinstry, the latest business recipient of the BlueGreen Alliance's "Right Stuff" award.

Oregon Legislature considers paths to a clean energy economy

Climate Solutions spoke up in Salem this week, weighing in on three different carbon-reduction proposals that could shift our environment and our economy from pollution to prosperity.

EV charging station

Keep the wheels turning for Oregon’s clean economy

On February 2, the first day of the Oregon Legislature, the Senate Environment & Natural Resources committee will address clean fuels for our state’s transportation sector, a sector that is wel

Renewing Brew - Solutions Story

Renewing Brew

From the farm to the foam in your glass, Oregon businesses are building a sustainable life-cycle for beer through clean energy and energy efficiency.

Business is Booming – and Policy Makes a Difference

Advanced Energy Economy  just released our new Advanced Energy Now 2014 Market Report. It is a remarkable piece of work, produced for us by Navigant Research. It shows the market growth across all the segments and subsegments of what we define as advanced energy, in the United States and around the world.

Southern Oregon's got sol

A quiet milestone has been reached in the evolution of solar and other clean energy solutions brewing along Oregon's South Coast, one built on concerted community effort in hand with public, private and nonprofit collaboration.

Discovering Renewable Energy

How can students design and implement real world solutions to discover the power and the possibility of renewable energy as a career?

Cedar Grove

Garbage Gone Green

How a family-owned composting business transforms the Northwest garbage industry, captures carbon, changes consumer behavior and creates jobs.



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Oregon businesses building power for a clean economy

The Renew Oregon coalition is bringing Oregon businesses together with other voices for climate action. The list of companies backing the Oregon Business Climate Declaration continues to grow, as Portland's Mayor issues a climate challenge to local businesses.

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Renewing Brew - Solutions Story

Renewing Brew

From the farm to the foam in your glass, Oregon businesses are building a sustainable life-cycle for beer through clean energy and energy efficiency.

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Southern Oregon's got sol

A quiet milestone has been reached in the evolution of solar and other clean energy solutions brewing along Oregon's South Coast, one built on concerted community effort in hand with public, private and nonprofit collaboration.

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