image of two folks holding up I love heat pump shirts
Oregon has big climate goals: heat pumps get us there
Heat pumps are an essential piece of the puzzle for meeting our climate and affordable housing goals. They both reduce climate emissions and provide long-term energy affordability for users.
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How the West is One

The US West leads the way on electric vehicles and clean tech, more details about the landmark federal climate bill, melting roads, and NW Natural gaslights the public.

No time to burn: let's keep the future of gas short in Oregon

Fossil "natural" gas is far from being the safe, clean product that gas and fossil fuel companies claim.

Tell Oregon regulators: we want clean and safe buildings in our future

Together we can let the Public Utility Commissioners know that there is NO FUTURE for methane gas in Oregon.

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What does equitable internet access have to do with climate?

Bridging the digital divide, EVs keep accelerating, fossil fuel dirty deeds, and spreading climate hope.

Photo of Oregon lush green rainforest

Why Oregon’s climate progress is good, but still not enough

If you’re like me, you’ve seen a LOT of studies released about the increasingly dire state of our climate, what’s to come if we do not cut pollution, and how much pollution we need to cut by when.

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Freeway expansion and climate action don't mix

Freeway expansion and climate action don’t mix As youth-organized climate protests against the Oregon Department of Transportation’s

Photo of gas well flare

Voice Your Comments on NW Natural's Proposed Rate Increase

NW Natural—Oregon's largest fossil fuel utility—wants to raise gas prices by nearly 12 percent. By supporting further growth of the gas industry, this rate hike will increase energy burdens for already struggling Oregon families, worsen the climate crisis, and pollute the air we breathe.

Photo of house roof truss

Recapping Oregon's 2022 Legislative Session

This session, the legislature provided historic levels of investments in clean energy solutions and electric vehicles, as well as significant progress for environmental and social justice in our state.

Gas flame

So much worse than we thought

In this week's ClimateCast: New research identifies hazards with home gas hookups, subsidies and technological advances are pushing EVs further toward ubiquity, and more climate and clean energy news of the moment

Yard sign that reads "We are going all electric"

Oregon’s “Future of Gas” Process: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

Oregon PUC regulators are tasked with figuring out how to protect customers and reduce risk, while gas utilities grapple with how to meet climate pollution reduction goals while continuing to meet customers’ needs.



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How the West is One

The US West leads the way on electric vehicles and clean tech, more details about the landmark federal climate bill, melting roads, and NW Natural gaslights the public.
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Photo of gas well flare

Voice Your Comments on NW Natural's Proposed Rate Increase

Submitted by Greer Ryan on

NW Natural—Oregon's largest fossil fuel utility—wants to raise gas prices by nearly 12 percent. By supporting further growth of the gas industry, this rate hike will increase energy burdens for already struggling Oregon families, worsen the climate crisis, and pollute the air we breathe.
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Gas flame

So much worse than we thought

In this week's ClimateCast: New research identifies hazards with home gas hookups, subsidies and technological advances are pushing EVs further toward ubiquity, and more climate and clean energy news of the moment
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