power lines pylons

Is Oregon's clean energy transition on track?

Join our discussion exploring what powers our energy system today, where the trends are headed, and it all means for an energy-smart, climate-safe future for Oregon.

100 percent clean bus at Washington State Capitol

2021: Action time for climate in the Washington Legislature

Naysayers will claim that this is not the time for climate action in Washington, not with COVID, racial injustice, and economic recovery on the agenda. But we don’t need to choose between our major priorities: we can achieve climate progress, recover from COVID impacts, and fight systemic racism all at the same time.

Biden's climate and clean energy nominees

Here's your clean energy team for 2021

Biden's climate picks bring experience, grit and a focus on environmental justice. Plus: Who the gas industry is targeting now, and climate book recommendations for the holidays!

row of homes with red text overlay "healthy and safe buildings"

Pollution is coming… from inside the house

Washington and Oregon can do better to protect residents by creating clean, safe, all-electric buildings. In this second part of our blog series on all-electric buildings, we outline the health and safety risks of using gas, and detail how all-electric buildings can be the climate and health solution we need.

Climate Solutions Annual Report 2020 with orange sunrays and white script overlay

The Path Forward on Climate Change in the Northwest

Is there room for climate action in the coming year, given all our other challenges? You bet there is. (We're also looking back—read our Climate Action Report 2020!)

city skyline with text overlay "clean and safe buildings"

The case for clean, safe, and all-electric buildings

Washington and Oregon need to join the movement towards clean, safe, all-electric buildings—and we need to do it soon. Look out for more information on the case for all-electric buildings and the policy solutions that can get us there in the Northwest.



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100 percent clean bus at Washington State Capitol

2021: Action time for climate in the Washington Legislature

Naysayers will claim that this is not the time for climate action in Washington, not with COVID, racial injustice, and economic recovery on the agenda. But we don’t need to choose between our major priorities: we can achieve climate progress, recover from COVID impacts, and fight systemic racism all at the same time.
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row of homes with red text overlay "healthy and safe buildings"

Pollution is coming… from inside the house

Washington and Oregon can do better to protect residents by creating clean, safe, all-electric buildings. In this second part of our blog series on all-electric buildings, we outline the health and safety risks of using gas, and detail how all-electric buildings can be the climate and health solution we need.
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