Rooftop solar photo
Solar accessibility to soar for Oregon’s lower-income households
The state of Oregon was recently awarded $86 million for rooftop solar projects for lower-income residents. The extra cool news: combined with existing federal and state solar incentive programs, this may bring the upfront costs of rooftop solar to nearly zero for many eligible households.
ClimateCast logo over man installing Solar Cloth panels

New money, policies and promises for climate action

Reverberations of the U.S.-China climate commitments keep echoing, federal clean energy fund turns a profit, lightweight solar panels you can unroll, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo over map of US being flooded

Few bright spots for climate in midterm election results

A few victories soften the blow of an otherwise painful midterm election, Oregon NGO cleanses its portfolio of fossil fuels, Brazil attracts cheap bids for a gigawatt of solar power, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo over IPCC report temperature maps

Choosing an energy path, with climate to match

Climate issues are playing a role in elections in Florida and Michigan, Oregon solar panel factory announces expansion, banks shun Australian coal project, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast Logo over frosty catwalk

EU vows deep carbon cuts, IPCC tussles on final report

Solar deals multiply, China’s coal consumption declines, carbon prices can include a mix of capping and taxing, and other stories of the week in clean energy solutions. 

ClimateCast logo over canoe blockaders in Australian port

Renewables advance, Europeans parley on carbon

Abundant renewables drive coal off the grid in Scandinavia and the Baltics, new study shows fossil gas is no boon for the climate, activists blockade Australian coal port, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Cities on the Move

Aggressive city action can reduce global carbon emissions at least 10% by 2030, according to a C40 report at the UN Climate Summit. Across the US, we see examples of cities that are investing in clean energy and carbon reduction solutions.

Night time at the Shoreline city limits

Art and Science: Carbon-Cutting in Shoreline, WA

On-the-ground urban carbon reduction strategies are essential with or without carbon pricing, as they are the bricks-and-mortar pathways to a low-carbon future.

ClimateCast Logo over road through rainforest

Climate change a threat to national security, says DoD

Worldwide switch to clean power would save $1.8 trillion, rainforests store less carbon once they’re fragmented, WA carbon tax would pay steady dividends, and other stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast Logo over solar trainee

Carbon pricing gets a boost

Gov. Inslee floats a carbon tax as a solution to the state’s education funding problem, a coal mine sells for $2, mayors announce a nationwide climate action agenda, and other stories of the week in clean energy solutions

For better growth, let's ensure a better climate

The signs are here: we can grow our economy, innovate, and reduce climate risks.



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2015 South Sound Sustainability Expo

This free public event connects local residents and business owners with services, products, companies, and agencies that address sustainability needs in our community. Participants learn about transportation choices, green construction, energy conservation, reuse and recycling, solar energy, local food and gardening, and cost-effective sustainability practices.