Rooftop solar photo
Solar accessibility to soar for Oregon’s lower-income households
The state of Oregon was recently awarded $86 million for rooftop solar projects for lower-income residents. The extra cool news: combined with existing federal and state solar incentive programs, this may bring the upfront costs of rooftop solar to nearly zero for many eligible households.
ClimateCast logo over "It's the Climate" sign in Grants Pass, OR

Trump appointments signal hard line on climate denial

Samoan island to be 100% solar powered, sea level rise starting to affect coastal Florida real estate prices, clean energy gets small-town support, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo over scene of climate march in Marrakech at UN COP22

Trump’s election reshapes landscape of climate action

Marrakech delegates reckon with a Trump presidency, Monterey County bans fracking, children’s public-trust climate lawsuit moves forward, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo over section of concentrating solar collector

Talks begin in Marrakech to implement the Paris accord

Global carbon intensity falls nearly 3 percent, California’s “duck curve” deepens faster than expected, Shell predicts peak oil demand in five to 15 years, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

Solar panels

Here Comes the Sun

Falling costs and increasing deployment of solar energy are making a clean electricity grid more of a reality, which is good for both decreasing carbon emissions in buildings and from industry, but also in transport as more vehicles shift from fossil fuels to electricity.

ClimateCast logo over Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park

Clean power outpaces coal, Exxon writes down reserves

Half a million solar panels were installed daily in 2015, India gets $8,100 four-seat electric car, feds auction geothermal rights on 16,000 acres in five western states, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 

ODOT Solar Highway Installation

The Awesome Economics of Solar Energy Growth

Costs are down, installations are up, and solar is now a competitive source of electricity. If history is a guide, we can look forward to solar power costing no more than fossil fuel power—without subsidies—by the end of this decade.

ClimateCast logo over windpower kite

Germany: ban new gas & diesel autos in EU by 2030

Climate pollution from international flights to be capped, two oil terminals halted in WA and CA, home air-conditioner makes ice while the sun shines on your rooftop PVs, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo over owl in flight

Judges hear power plan, clean energy costs falling

Study reviews link between dams and methane; OPEC agrees—in principle—to reduce oil production; owls inspire design of quieter wind rotors; and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 

ClimateCast logo over map of world temperatures

Paris pact nears ratification, summer breaks heat record

New carbon math says climate goals can’t be met if humanity burns all the oil, gas, and coal in existing wells and mines, let alone develops new ones—and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo over artist's rendition of electric bus

Clean energy grows, makes fossil power less profitable

Worldwide electric car sales up 49 percent in first half of 2016, designers develop wearable solar cells, Canada to set a minimum national carbon price, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.



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