Rooftop solar photo
Solar accessibility to soar for Oregon’s lower-income households
The state of Oregon was recently awarded $86 million for rooftop solar projects for lower-income residents. The extra cool news: combined with existing federal and state solar incentive programs, this may bring the upfront costs of rooftop solar to nearly zero for many eligible households.
ClimateCast logo over students in classrom

Neither teachers nor candidates focus on climate

Supreme Court stays Clean Power Plan; 1st global aviation climate standards released; Green Climate Fund experiencing growing pains; solar policy all over the map; kids and nation at disadvantage with climate scarcely addressed.

Solar installation near Oregon capitol

Bipartisan House Votes to Make Oregon Coal Free

Oregon is one big step closer to a coal free, clean energy future.

Cities Moving on Clean Energy

American cities are reducing climate pollution by investing in energy efficiency, renewables, grid innovations, and clean transportation. Energy Efficiency

ClimateCast logo above man replanting rainforest tree in Kalimantan, Indonesia

Solar+storage makes gains, US Senate makes sausage

German battery firm vows to become the ‘Airbnb of energy,’ Kauai briefly exceeds 90 percent renewable power, MIT releases new solar mapping tool, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.  

The Coal to Clean Imperative

Puget Sound Energy is a crucial player on Washington's path toward a clean energy future, but its 20-year resource plan falls significantly short on the urgency and boldness we need to make deep, near-term carbon reduction.

We've got momentum

Events in 2015 created so much momentum for the fight to stop global warming, and the first weeks of 2016 proved no different. Here's what Climate Solutions and our allies are doing to maintain course and speed towards a clean energy future.

ClimateCast logo above map of energy infrastructure

Solar, wind poised to grow—provided policies endure

General Electric retires compact fluorescent in favor of LEDs, coal mines go begging for buyers, California maintains net metering rules, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Step by step towards a clean-energy future

With the Washington State Legislature's 2016 session underway, Climate Solutions is working to decarbonize our state’s power grid, to cap climate-harming emissions, and to protect clean-energy gains that our state has made already.

First out of the gate: Oregon poised for climate action

Oregon’s Legislature may be headed into a short session next week, but the agenda for climate and clean energy is nothing short of completely impressive. Only two months after the historic Paris Agreement on climate change, Oregon is poised to be the first state out of the gate to heed the call to action.

ClimateCast logo over photo of sledding at Capitol Hill in Washington, DC

Indian PV auction settles at lower price than coal power

China overtakes Germany as country with most solar power, energy bill heads for Senate floor, bonds backed by rooftop solar earn an investment-grade rating, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.



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Thanks to you, the Bright Future looks near!

Submitted by Gregg Small on

Thanks to everyone who helped make our annual breakfast a great success this year! Climate and clean energy leader Aimée Christensen and our other speakers set the challenge, and gave us hope, for the bright future we can build together.

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How Carbon Pricing Built the Clean Energy Industry in Denmark

As a part of an international climate and energy actionable knowledge exchange, i-SUSTAIN is gathering together experts from Denmark, Sweden and Washington state in Olympia and Seattle from April 11-12, 2016. The April convening focuses on district energy and combined heat and power, with this bi-directional knowledge exchange on climate and energy continuing in 2016 with other key action areas.

An open-to-the-public meeting with the delegates is being offered in Olympia (April 11th) and Seattle (April 12th):

WWU 2016 Energy Symposium

On April 19, 2016 the Western Washington University Institute for Energy Studies will be holding its first Energy Symposium.  Students, faculty, and invited experts in the field of energy will be joining together on Western's campus for presentations, lively panel discussions, student poster sessions, and networking. Space is limited. Register now.