image of offshore wind turbines
Is Offshore Wind in Oregon’s Future?
Climate Solutions has this guiding principle: there is an identified need for offshore wind in Oregon to achieve our 100% clean energy goals, and it must happen through a robust, transparent, inclusive, and equitable process. 
Stakeholder engagement

To Go Far, Go Together

The King County-Cities Climate Collaboration (K4C) won the U.S.

The Urban Clean Energy Revolution

The Urban Clean Energy Revolution report details the state of play of low-carbon cities and describes a rich array of best practices and examples of urban clean energy innovation and carbon reduction.

The Path to Urban Carbon Reduction

The international climate talks are a moment in time for forward-looking urban leaders to demonstrate the collective political will they have amassed for bold climate action, and to show how far they have already come in reducing carbon emissions.

Planning and preparing for climate change in the Northwest

The NW Power and Conservation Council is preparing a new, 20-year plan for our region's power grid, with emphasis on increasing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. Find out what's in the draft report, and how you can weigh in.

Building Diverse Coalitions beyond Climate

Urban leaders are increasingly aligning their carbon reduction and clean energy agendas with other important community priorities—such as air quality, transportation, social equity, economic development, and climate change resilience. In doing so, they forge stronger and more diverse coalitions for climate action.  

Partnering for Powerful Action

Leading local governments do not travel alone on the road of climate action-- they partner with other jurisdictions and networks to get deeper and faster results. These collaborations have turned low-carbon city efforts into a movement.

Carbon Reduction Know-How

In the early days of climate action, urban plans to reduce carbon frequently suffered from the laundry list syndrome: cataloguing potential strategies without any evidence of how they would meet long-term goals. Since then, cities and counties have become more sophisticated about cutting carbon, and are developing clean energy transition plans to do it.

Big news for Northwest climate action

Broad coalitions for climate action took bold steps this week in Oregon and Washington, announcing plans to put climate and clean energy measures on the 2016 ballot.

Oregon businesses building power for a clean economy

The Renew Oregon coalition is bringing Oregon businesses together with other voices for climate action. The list of companies backing the Oregon Business Climate Declaration continues to grow, as Portland's Mayor issues a climate challenge to local businesses.

Portland businesses accept Mayor's climate challenge

Portland Mayor Charlie Hales has issued a challenge to local businesses: join the movement for climate action, and gear your business for a sustainable, clean-energy future. Will Portland businesses accept the challenge? (Spoiler alert: Yes.)

Give for a brighter future


Join our email list to learn about what we do and how to get involved. 

Climate Solutions 10th Annual Dinner & 20th Anniversary Celebration

Our Climate Solutions 10th Annual Dinner & 20th Anniversary Celebration on November 29 is a seated and catered dinner at the Hilton Portland 5:00pm-8:00pm with time allocated for check-in and mingling with the other guests between 5pm-6:00pm. Our keynote speaker is renewable energy visionary Hal Harvey, CEO of Energy Innovation. We anticipate attracting 350 people including business executives, policymakers, and community leaders.  During the Dinner you will be given the opportunity to support our work by making a gift to Climate Solutions.

To register or to learn more about sponsorship, table host or tablew captain opportunities, please visit the event site. Thanks so much for your consideration and support! We look forward to seeing you there. 

Let's build more momentum for talking climate

Extreme weather, wildfires, an uncertain can we avoid talking about climate change? A better question may be: how DO we talk with out families and friends about climate change—in a way that acknowledges our anxiety, yet motivates us to work towards solutions?

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Hope, community and clean energy

Submitted by Gregg Small on

Good jobs, vital communities and clean energy are the way forward as we transition away from the pollution, health risks and climate damage of the fossil fuel era. Majora Carter inspired us with storytelling at Climate Solutions' annual breakfast.

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CleanTech Showcase 2016

CleanTech Showcase is the Pacific Northwest’s premier cleantech business event. This one-day event gathers the industry’s best and brightest to learn about the latest clean technology innovations, research and investment opportunities.

Engage the industry’s best and brightest while seeing the latest cleantech innovations from across the region.

  • Network with 350+ industry leaders, investors, media and policymakers.

  • Hear and learn from renowned speakers across research, investing and industry.

International Conference and Workshop on Transactive Energy

The GridWise® Architecture Council and Smart Grid Northwest are pleased to announce that the Third International Conference and Workshop on Transactive Energy will be held May 17 through May 19th, 2016, in Portland, Oregon, at the World Trade Center.

The conference and workshops will bring together representatives of government, industry, utilities, vendor organizations and academia who have an interest in advancing transactive energy—an approach that combines economic and control techniques to improve power grid reliability and efficiency.