Photo of person installing an electric heat pump
Keeping cool with electric heat pumps
Amidst another extreme and record-breaking heat wave, affordable and energy-efficient cooling is essential for everyone. Electric heat pumps can make that happen.
Clean buildings

Heating and powering our homes and businesses generates a lot of our climate-changing pollution; our built environment is a major contributor to global warming. If our homes and buildings were carbon-free and energy efficient, we would significantly reduce our climate pollution, drastically cut energy costs for owners and renters, and improve air quality where we live and work. 

For example, in both Oregon and Washington State, climate-worsening pollution from buildings are growing at a faster rate than any other source, with this increase largely attributable to the use of fossil gas in homes and buildings. Burning fossil gas in homes and buildings is not only a significant contributor to climate change, but also poses significant health risks for our communities, children, and other vulnerable populations.

Indoor air quality issues are particularly concentrated for low-income residents in smaller units with poor ventilation. Communities of color are already disproportionately impacted by outdoor air pollution, and should not continue to be disproportionately harmed by poor indoor air quality as well. Gas appliances also worsen our outdoor air quality.  For example, California’s residential appliances releasing more than two times as many NOx emissions as all of their gas power plants combined, and commercial gas appliances releasing just as much NOx pollution as all of California’s cars.

States and many cities in the region and around the country are increasingly looking at ensuring all new buildings are electric as a key cost-effective pathway for achieving their local or state greenhouse emissions goals. Electrifying buildings is critical to addressing climate change, but it is also achievable, affordable, safe, and creates a more resilient energy system.

We are working with lawmakers and community partners to move rapidly toward electrifying our buildings for heating, cooling and cooking.  We can also construct homes and buildings that get all their energy from sustainable sources, and even produce as much energy as they use — net zero energy buildings. 


Photo of gas pipeline

Avista used customer money to fund anti-climate litigation in Oregon

[PRESS RELEASE] Avista inappropriately billed customers for anti-climate litigation spending, and is proposing to increase bills for continued litigation costs, according to testimony submitted by environmental groups to the Oregon PUC.

image of salem capitol building with press event

Will Oregon act on climate or squander our chance?

The longest GOP walkout in state history has finally come to an end. It has been an egregious situation where a bloc of Republican Senators used non-democratic tactics to deny the collective will of all Oregonians and shutdown the government for weeks.

image of a gas meter on a yellow wall

Public Comment Opportunity: Avista Gas Rate Hike

Avista is seeking to increase gas bills to expand the gas system when they should be shrinking it. Oregon has climate goals requiring gas utilities to slash pollution by 90% by 2050.

image of plane releasing fire extinguisher

A new fire season is here; will legislators get it together?

In this week's ClimateCast: Debt ceiling raised with climate consequences, Oregon legislation crippled due to GOP walkouts, insurers batten down the hatches against climate impacts.

image of a gas burner boiling water in a clear glass pot

Public Comment Opportunity: NW Natural’s Long-Term Plan

NW Natural doesn't have a realistic plan to meet Oregon's climate goals. Tell the Commission to send them back to the drawing board.

image of the Oregon senate chamber with no one present

Oregon GOP Walkout Threatens Climate Progress AGAIN

By denying quorum for the state Senate to do business, Oregon's Senate Republicans have ground all progress in the Oregon legislature — and even the state budget — to a halt. The state’s climate agenda hangs in the balance among many other critical priorities.

Hot. thirsty.

Can't quite beat the heat

Induced paralysis in the Oregon State Legislature: here we go again. Plus record-setting heat across the PNW, breaching 1.5C of global temperature rise, and more in this week's ClimateCast

row of homes with red text overlay "healthy and safe buildings"

No reason to delay climate action on buildings in WA

Washington State's building industry is now trying to take that win away by asking the State Building Code Council to delay implementing the codes set to go into effect on July 1, 2023.

large fountain from Oregon State capital with cherry blossoms behind

Hey Oregon, Speak up for Building Resilience! Email your Legislator

We think you’ll agree: Every single Oregonian deserves to be protected from the climate crisis. 

image of the capitol building in Salem with spring flowers

Speak up for Climate Action! Email your Legislator in Oregon

Did you know the Oregon Legislature hasn’t updated our state climate goals in over 15 years?

Hot. thirsty.

Can't quite beat the heat

Induced paralysis in the Oregon State Legislature: here we go again. Plus record-setting heat across the PNW, breaching 1.5C of global temperature rise, and more in this week's ClimateCast
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