image of an Oregon waterfall
Oregon is worth defending! Submit Public Comment for the Climate Protection Program Today
It’s time! It’s time for us to protect and strengthen Oregon’s landmark Climate Protection Program (CPP)! You can help by sharing your thoughts about the importance of protecting our state’s climate future, and the need for a strong CPP.
Climate change
Hokusai green wave

Delivering on the green wave in 2019

What the election victories in Oregon mean for increasing clean energy and climate progress in the coming year. 

The climate future I want my kids to inherit

In 2030, I want to be focusing on the chaos of parenting teenagers - not climate chaos.

Climate leadership: Tacoma sets a high bar

Tacoma's City Council endorsed I-1631 and an impressive list of clean energy commitments.

Initiative endorsements in Oregon: Be a climate voter!

The deadline to register or update your address is October 16. Ballots are due November 6!

Is there a path out of this?

As the season shifts, so does our determination to fight—and win—on climate and clean energy.

This Saturday: Rise for Climate!

This Saturday, September 8, is a day for us to bring our collective power to the forefront.

Only YOU can prevent forest fires – confront the climate arsonists.

30 years ago, it would have been much easier to tackle the causes of climate disruption. That was then.  30 years from now, they might remember the fiery September of 2018 as the turning point toward solutions, when leaders confronted the challenge head-on at a historic summit in California. Or they might be in hell, wondering why we blew it.  

Holding big oil accountable for decades of climate deception

King County has joined other local governments across the country who are suing major oil companies who knew the cataclysmic consequences of carbon pollution, but kept misleading us all.

Rooftop Solar on Oregon Convention Center

One Year Later: Portland and Multnomah Co.'s 100% Clean Energy Resolutions

From accelerating the transition of Oregon’s most populous city and county to clean energy, to inspiring other jurisdictions to pass their own resolutions, Portland and Multnomah County's 100% clean energy resolutions are proving worthy of an anniversary celebration.  

Climate diaries, revisited

One of our co-founders recalls the Montana roots of his environmental advocacy, and notes that Climate Solutions' early strategy of bringing people together across differences to talk solutions remains a key to solving the climate crisis.

Give for a brighter future


Join our email list to learn about what we do and how to get involved. 

Oregon Capitol in spring

A Big step forward in Oregon

Oregon lawmakers took an important step forward on Clean Energy Jobs. The landmark climate legislation is just a few steps away from becoming law. Send a message to your legislators today: Oregon is ready for clean energy jobs!

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