image of technician installing a heat pump
Clean energy offers resilience in the face of extreme heat
Extreme heat events like this are a dramatic example of the dangers of burning fossil fuels. We need clean energy solutions that protect our climate AND our communities.
Public health

Climate change is a global medical emergency

A new Lancet Commission report warns that climate change demands an emergency response, while President Obama leads a White House summit linking climate change and public health. We're dialing 911. Who will answer?

From Portland to the Vatican and beyond... to prosperity

Portland is set to vote on the 2015 Climate Action Plan, an inspiring and historic vision for climate progress, economic prosperity, healthy communities and social equity in our region.

Unions representing 60,000 workers say "Shell No"

In a powerful statement released today, several major unions accuse Shell and the Port of Seattle of neglecting the interests of working people, Seattle's economic well-being, and the future health of our communities and our planet.

Clean fuels help kids breathe easier, who’s opposed to that?

Washington prides itself on our dense forests, clean water, and sweet air. But dirty petroleum fuels are fouling our future; our asthma rate is higher than the national average. Speeding the development of clean fuels offers a healthy way forward for our environment, our economy, and our kids' health.

Tar sands and oil trains and Shell, oh my!

A new report reveals that the Pacific Northwest is the next frontier of the tar sands invasion. Desperate for routes to get their crude oil from land-locked Alberta to refineries and export markets, the tar sands industry has its sights set on our communities and coastline.

"The Oregon Pioneer" atop the Oregon State Capitol

Testify! Oregon businesses, health advocates call for clean fuels

Better jobs, cleaner air, more choices: business and health leaders testify in support of Oregon's Clean Fuels Program.

Climate action: unstoppable

On Tuesday, hearing rooms at the State Capitol in Olympia were overflowing with people waiting to tell legislators that it's time for climate action. Join us this Saturday in Olympia or Seattle to learn more about proposed climate legislation in WA.

Let big polluters pay the price of pollution

For several years, the Northwest has opposed big coal's slew of coal export proposals. Thanks to you, we stopped four out of six. Now, we have the opportunity to fight for solutions, and must bring that same passion to accelerate a clean and equitable energy economy.

Aiming higher: the EPA's Clean Power Plan and the Northwest

Our comments on the EPA's Clean Power Plan. The Northwest is on a path towards a clean energy economy; abandoning coal and increasing renewables and energy efficiency. The county should follow, and should set bolder targets for reining in carbon pollution.

Taskforce recommends carbon pricing for Washington

Ending polluters' free ride is the key recommendation of Governor Inslee's task force on carbon emissions.



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Revolution Required: Climate, Energy, and the Road Through Paris

Come join Climate Solutions' very own Ross Macfarlane as he outlines the reasons we need a complete transformation of our energy system over the next several decades, and how local and state leadership can play a critical role. “Revolution Required: Climate, Energy, and the Road through Paris” illustrates climate‘s effects east of the Cascades and what the means for the future. Doors open at 6:30 PM for no-host refreshments and the presentation begins at 7:00 PM. Admission by donation.

Crude Oil terminals are wrong for Grays Harbor

The dangers of oil trains are dominating headlines about proposed oil terminals in Washington. As a long-time crab fisherman out of Grays Harbor, I’m very concerned about another risk: the potential consequences of a major oil spill.

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Plastics: oily, toxic and out of control

Plastics and other oil-based materials are the basis of many cheap and convenient products. But is it really necessary—or safe—to have these petrochemicals in almost everything we interact with and consume every day? More reasons to wean ourselves from oil.

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