image of technician installing a heat pump
Clean energy offers resilience in the face of extreme heat
Extreme heat events like this are a dramatic example of the dangers of burning fossil fuels. We need clean energy solutions that protect our climate AND our communities.
Public health

"The riskiest decision a business person can make is to do nothing."

Washington business leaders speak out about the huge economic risk of inaction on climate and the huge economic opportunity of solutions.

Cities on the Move

Aggressive city action can reduce global carbon emissions at least 10% by 2030, according to a C40 report at the UN Climate Summit. Across the US, we see examples of cities that are investing in clean energy and carbon reduction solutions.

Oregon's largest tech firms join call for climate action

More than 200 companies so far have joined the Oregon Business Climate Declaration's call for state action on climate, Signers so far include Intel, eBay, Symantec, Nike and Adidas.

ClimateCast Logo over rainforest dweller

Community control good for carbon storage

California flooded with proposals for grid storage; narrow escape from oil-spill disaster in Seattle; climate change impacts our mental health; and much more.

Carbon cleanup: how clean fuels will protect our health and save money

California is saving lives and boosting its economy by capping carbon emissions and supporting clean fuels. Can't we do the same for Washington?

An open letter to BNSF CEO on coal transport

The following, an excerpt of an open letter to BNSF CEO Matthew Rose, was published in



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Oil versus Optimism

Submitted by Gregg Small on

Tough legislative sessions in Washington and Oregon are over. But we, together with an inspiring coalition, are just getting started.

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Clean fuels help kids breathe easier, who’s opposed to that?

Washington prides itself on our dense forests, clean water, and sweet air. But dirty petroleum fuels are fouling our future; our asthma rate is higher than the national average. Speeding the development of clean fuels offers a healthy way forward for our environment, our economy, and our kids' health.

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Tar sands and oil trains and Shell, oh my!

A new report reveals that the Pacific Northwest is the next frontier of the tar sands invasion. Desperate for routes to get their crude oil from land-locked Alberta to refineries and export markets, the tar sands industry has its sights set on our communities and coastline.

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Climate action: unstoppable

On Tuesday, hearing rooms at the State Capitol in Olympia were overflowing with people waiting to tell legislators that it's time for climate action. Join us this Saturday in Olympia or Seattle to learn more about proposed climate legislation in WA.

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