Rooftop solar photo
Solar accessibility to soar for Oregon’s lower-income households
The state of Oregon was recently awarded $86 million for rooftop solar projects for lower-income residents. The extra cool news: combined with existing federal and state solar incentive programs, this may bring the upfront costs of rooftop solar to nearly zero for many eligible households.
ClimateCast logo over girl brushing snow off PV panels

US solar jobs top 200,000; feds halt new coal leasing

Global investment in renewables hits $329 B record in 2015; oil-train activists offer defense of necessity; utility-scale solar costs drop 17% in a year; and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo above sunburst and power plant superstructure

OR deal to phase out coal, double renewable power

Solar supplies nearly 10 percent of California’s power in 2015, GM rolls out mass-market electric car with 200-mile range, NASA tests more efficient aircraft propulsion, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Energy storage displacing new fossil gas plants

Indian microfinance brings solar energy to off-grid villages and slums, Eugene tests microgrids powered by PVs, the ‘rebound effect’ is smaller than previously reported, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions. 

ClimateCast logo over worker in wind turbine

Budget bill renews federal tax credits for solar & wind

California regulators to preserve net metering, Australian mine converted to solar farm, ten of gigawatts of new solar and wind expected thanks to tax credit extension, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

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Diplomats make progress toward climate pact in Paris

Global climate pollution bends downward, negotiators lean toward a 1.5˚C warming goal, Financial Standards Board to require that firms disclose their carbon risk, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

The Urban Clean Energy Revolution

The Urban Clean Energy Revolution report details the state of play of low-carbon cities and describes a rich array of best practices and examples of urban clean energy innovation and carbon reduction.

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Regional climate promises pour in ahead of Paris talks

Alberta announces carbon tax, all UK coal plants to close by 2025, firms sign up for more than 2 gigawatts of green power so far this year, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions. 

The Path to Urban Carbon Reduction

The international climate talks are a moment in time for forward-looking urban leaders to demonstrate the collective political will they have amassed for bold climate action, and to show how far they have already come in reducing carbon emissions.

ClimateCast logo over offshore wind turbines

Fossil projects face new hurdles from PDX to NYC

Testing how EVs can stabilize and feed the grid, zoning parts of the California desert for renewable power, funding climate work in the developing world, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Building Diverse Coalitions beyond Climate

Urban leaders are increasingly aligning their carbon reduction and clean energy agendas with other important community priorities—such as air quality, transportation, social equity, economic development, and climate change resilience. In doing so, they forge stronger and more diverse coalitions for climate action.  



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Oregon Solar Energy Conference and Nissan Leaf Raffle

The Oregon Solar Energy Conference (OSEC) provides the perfect venue for experienced solar professionals and those new to the industry to sharpen their skills, sell more installations, earn continuing education units, and network with other professionals.  OSEIA is fundraising for long-term solar support in Oregon by selling raffle tickets for an Electric Vehicle (EV), a 2015 Nissan Leaf SL.