Gina McCarthy at Climate Solutions' annual dinner 2024
Let’s be brave now, so our children don’t have to be forced to be braver later.
Gina McCarthy, Gov. Jay Inslee and other climate champions raised the roof at our annual event in Seattle.
Civic engagement

Two billion human steps in the right direction

Climate Solutions took part in the largest climate action in history on Sept 21, 2014--in Seattle, in Portland, and at the primary march in New York City. Some of  us reflect here on this moment in our movement. 

This changes everything: Climate actions across Washington this weekend

Are you ready? Because this weekend is when we're going to change everything. People's Climate actions are taking place across Washington State—and across the country.

Oregon Joins Global March for Climate Action

As world leaders gather in New York City for the UN Climate Summit later this month, tens of thousands of people will gather in cities across Oregon, across the country and across the world to send

Join the clean energy surge! Time for clean fuels in Washington

Elected officials are lining up to support clean fuels in Washington. Add your voice to this surge for consumer choice, job growth and a cleaner environment!

ClimateCast Logo over Copenhagen climate demonstration

Climate march approaches; will the leaders follow?

U.S. to curb carbon emissions from air travel, protestors block oil train north of Seattle, BP faces $18 billion penalty for Deepwater Horizon blow-out, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

Getting Smarter

The Executive Director for Smart Grid Northwest answers a key question: What exactly IS smart grid? And he provides 5 great reasons why it matters to all of us.

Climate Disruption in the Streets of New York

Climate disruption is making history all around us, but it’s not the history we would choose to write. On September 21, we will take back the pen. We’ll make our mark for climate progress.

The space beyond denial, before despair

Joined by over 900 allies and leaders from around the region and around the country, we heard from heroes who are using their respective fields as platforms for real climate leadership. We also took some selfies.

A Remembrance of Billy Frank, Jr.

“I don’t believe in magic,” Billy once said. “I believe in the sun and the stars, the water, the tides, the floods, the owls, the hawks flying, the river running, the wind talking.

Keystone XL Environmental Impact Statement bottom line: Go with Gandhi

The State Department's latest review of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline proposal only proves Gandhi's dictum that "we must be the change we wish to see in the world."



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Coastal Washington communities say no to oil trains

Should the health and security of our maritime communities be sacrificed for a fossil fuel export superhighway? In response to proposals for new oil and coal terminals, folks from the Grays Harbor area are coming together to protect their communities and our climate.

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Big oil met its match: you.

In this real-life David versus Goliath story, we—all of us—scored an important victory against the oil company making plans to build what would be the largest oil-by-rail terminal in the nation. The fight is not over yet, but this win shows that people have the power to stand up to big oil!

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Serenity, Shmerenity

Submitted by KC Golden on

The oil industry would like us to keep our dependence on fossil fuels in the category of "things I cannot change," instead of finding "courage to change the things I can." Shell's Arctic drilling plans pose a serious threat to our security and a stable climate future. Their fleet's presence in Seattle is straining our community and sending our economy off in the wrong direction. Serenity? Puh-leeze.
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We have met the wrong enemy

Submitted by KC Golden on

Let’s forgive ourselves for being part of the only system there is. But let’s change the damned system so we can do what we know is right, necessary, and possible: make the transition from fossil fuels to a clean energy economy. 

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Raising voices, not sea levels

When it comes to Shell's Arctic drilling plans, Seattleites won't give up easily. Building a clean energy economy is going to require hard work, but we’re not daunted. We know that an important first step is drawing the line at continued fossil fuel extraction.

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