Gina McCarthy at Climate Solutions' annual dinner 2024
Let’s be brave now, so our children don’t have to be forced to be braver later.
Gina McCarthy, Gov. Jay Inslee and other climate champions raised the roof at our annual event in Seattle.
Civic engagement

Shell No! Rally in Seattle April 26

They’re headed right for us! Shell’s massive Arctic drilling climate catastrophe rigs are just days away from arriving in Seattle.  

We all spoke up - and Washington legislators listened

A public outcry prompted elected officials to say no to an $85 million giveaway to Big Coal. Let's thank them for doing the right thing!

The Washington State House budget needs climate action

Our state budget should hold emitters accountable and invest in Washington communities. Our state budget should include the Carbon Pollution Accountability Act.

Religious communities: lead, don’t follow on climate justice

The moral leadership of religious people is needed to challenge and deepen the climate justice movement.

Enough is enough! Stand with the Lummi against big coal

Lummi Nation leaders have asked the Army Corps of Engineers to "act swiftly" to deny a coal export facility that threatens their treaty fishing rights. Will you stand with them?

Solar installation near Oregon capitol

Super session in Salem starts today

Working together, we can make sure Oregon seizes the day. Here’s a rundown of several priorities and upcoming events in 2015.

Climate action: unstoppable

On Tuesday, hearing rooms at the State Capitol in Olympia were overflowing with people waiting to tell legislators that it's time for climate action. Join us this Saturday in Olympia or Seattle to learn more about proposed climate legislation in WA.

Broad coalition calls for action on climate change in WA

The Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy, launched with a show of support for legislation to put a price on large-scale carbon emissions, brings together an important breadth of voices calling for state action on climate and environmental pollution.

How we can win: the promise of progress

2015 is shaping up to be a year of potentially significant progress on climate change and clean energy. And nowhere in our country is the promise of action greater than here on the West Coast, 

President Obama: Reject Keystone XL

For weeks, President Obama has been speaking like someone who wants to reject Keystone XL. Now it’s up to us to make sure that he follows through in the ways that matter.



Join our email list to learn about what we do and how to get involved. PDX Road through Paris - Portland March for Climate Justice

SAVE THE DATE: December 12th, the day after the UN Paris Climate Talks end, people all across the world are taking to the streets to make sure the people, not the politicians, have the last word. Regardless of what gets decided in Paris, we know that climate leadership is coming from the ground up with the grassroots and cities leading the way.

In Portland, things are shaping up for a great event!

Lighting Up Paris

Submitted by KC Golden on

Darkness of the most desperate and terrifying kind descended on Paris in the November 13 attacks.  The world convenes now in the City of Light, with an ever more urgent and sober sense of the pressing need for global cooperation for peace and justice.

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Cresting the hill

Submitted by KC Golden on

The power of our NO fueled our run to the top of the hill... the power of our YES will lead us on over it and beyond.

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Building Diverse Coalitions beyond Climate

Urban leaders are increasingly aligning their carbon reduction and clean energy agendas with other important community priorities—such as air quality, transportation, social equity, economic development, and climate change resilience. In doing so, they forge stronger and more diverse coalitions for climate action.  

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The New Economy Get-Together @ Impact HUB

The New Economy Get-Together is a flagship event of the national New Economy Week 2015. Now in its third year, and for the first time with a Seattle event, New Economy Week 2015 will challenge us to explore what systemic change really looks like. We hope that by drawing attention to big ideas and concrete examples of real solutions, we will expand the public conversation and what's politically possible, bringing us closer to a just, sustainable, and democratic society.

Indigenous Climate Justice Symposium

The 1st annual Indigenous Climate Justice Symposium will be held at The Evergreen State College Longhouse on November 5-6, 2015. It will bring together speakers from Native communities that are working to keep fossil fuels in the ground, by stopping coal terminals, oil trains and fracking, and protecting treaty resources from the threat of climate change. Its major goal would be to get students and youth, particularly tribal youth, involved in community-based climate justice efforts. All events are free and open to Evergreen students and the public.

Protect the Northwest from Big Oil!

We don't have to let Big Oil turn the beautiful Northwest into a dangerous oil train superhighway. But that's what they're trying to accomplish with new terminal proposals along our coast. Here's how we can say no!

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