Gina McCarthy at Climate Solutions' annual dinner 2024
Let’s be brave now, so our children don’t have to be forced to be braver later.
Gina McCarthy, Gov. Jay Inslee and other climate champions raised the roof at our annual event in Seattle.
Civic engagement
ClimateCast logo over girl brushing snow off PV panels

US solar jobs top 200,000; feds halt new coal leasing

Global investment in renewables hits $329 B record in 2015; oil-train activists offer defense of necessity; utility-scale solar costs drop 17% in a year; and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Hey coal terminal: send not for whom the bell tolls

Arch Coal's bankruptcy filing sends a huge signal that coal export is a bad business, and has no place in the Washington economy. Let's make sure our state leaders get the message.

An American in Paris

Though we may come by our climate cynicism honestly post-Paris, it doesn't do the climate (or our future) a lick of good. The world only wins climate solutions if our country, the United States, shows all the way up. And no matter how hard it may be to hold our own country so accountable, that remains our indispensable role.

Lighting Up Paris

Darkness of the most desperate and terrifying kind descended on Paris in the November 13 attacks.  The world convenes now in the City of Light, with an ever more urgent and sober sense of the pressing need for global cooperation for peace and justice.

Cresting the hill

The power of our NO fueled our run to the top of the hill... the power of our YES will lead us on over it and beyond.

Building Diverse Coalitions beyond Climate

Urban leaders are increasingly aligning their carbon reduction and clean energy agendas with other important community priorities—such as air quality, transportation, social equity, economic development, and climate change resilience. In doing so, they forge stronger and more diverse coalitions for climate action.  

Be a climate citizen: vote!

Pull out that wool sweater... put the final touches on that Halloween costume... rake fallen leaves into a pile... and return your ballot!

Protect the Northwest from Big Oil!

We don't have to let Big Oil turn the beautiful Northwest into a dangerous oil train superhighway. But that's what they're trying to accomplish with new terminal proposals along our coast. Here's how we can say no!

Oregon is poised to make clean energy history

This week the Renew Oregon Action Fund began a new chapter in Oregon’s clean energy transition, filing ballot measures to allow Oregon to become the first state in the nation to go coal free by public vote. The measures also double the amount of Oregon’s electricity produced from clean, renewable resources like wind and solar.

Big news for Northwest climate action

Broad coalitions for climate action took bold steps this week in Oregon and Washington, announcing plans to put climate and clean energy measures on the 2016 ballot.



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The arc of the moral universe still bends towards...

Submitted by KC Golden on

It has become obvious that we need to find new and better ways to align good climate policy with fairness, inclusion, and solutions that work for everyone. If we don’t, fossil fuel interests will fend off the transition we need by capitalizing on the same insecurity and fear that won Trump the White House.

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Economic security is a core climate solution

Submitted by KC Golden on

“Climate solutions” aren’t just about reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We need to wage and win a clean energy revolution, to go all the way to a clean energy future.  But in an economy rife with inequality and insecurity, such a sweeping transition is hard for most folks to contemplate. 

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CleanTech Showcase 2016

CleanTech Showcase is the Pacific Northwest’s premier cleantech business event. This one-day event gathers the industry’s best and brightest to learn about the latest clean technology innovations, research and investment opportunities.

Engage the industry’s best and brightest while seeing the latest cleantech innovations from across the region.

  • Network with 350+ industry leaders, investors, media and policymakers.

  • Hear and learn from renowned speakers across research, investing and industry.