Gina McCarthy at Climate Solutions' annual dinner 2024
Let’s be brave now, so our children don’t have to be forced to be braver later.
Gina McCarthy, Gov. Jay Inslee and other climate champions raised the roof at our annual event in Seattle.
Global warming
ClimateCast Logo over huskies in harness

Geneva talks list options; tough choices left for later

Three largest UK parties pledge climate action ahead of May elections, report parses geoengineering prospects, smarter inverters may allow more rooftop solar on grid, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions. 

ClimateCast Logo over Peabody Energy stock chart

Cheap crude hurts oil firms; clean energy unscathed

Germany stays on target in its transition to clean energy, U.S. poll shows half of Republicans and vast majorities of others want climate action, Peabody coal slashes its dividend, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Climate action: unstoppable

On Tuesday, hearing rooms at the State Capitol in Olympia were overflowing with people waiting to tell legislators that it's time for climate action. Join us this Saturday in Olympia or Seattle to learn more about proposed climate legislation in WA.

ClimateCast logo over parabolic trough collector

Price of solar hits new low, cities prep for higher tides

Copenhagen neighborhood re-engineered for high water, new day-and-night solar plant on line in California desert, “Uber for trucks” makes freight transport more efficient, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Game on for Bold Climate Action

In December 2014, 37 local elected leaders from across Washington State sent a clear statement of support for bold state action on climate change and clean energy. New Energy Cities is helping local officials advance clean energy in the 2015 state legislative session.

How we can win: the promise of progress

2015 is shaping up to be a year of potentially significant progress on climate change and clean energy. And nowhere in our country is the promise of action greater than here on the West Coast, 

ClimateCast Logo over wind turbines in Samso, Denmark

Carbon markets expand, cheap oil reshuffles deck

Solar jobs up 22 percent last year, carbon market comes to South Korea, fossil-free Danish island inspires Maine utilities, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

Washington State Capitol Building

Time for Local Climate Action in WA State

The 2015 Washington State Legislature gets underway in Olympia, and local officials across Washington are ready.

Getting Serious about Reducing Carbon Emissions

Elected officials from King County and 12 cities commit to an ambitious carbon reduction agenda for 2015.

ClimateCast logo over skaters on outdoor rink in Prince George, BC

Carbon fee wins support, green investment up 16%

Study says which fossil-fuel deposits should stay buried, Republicans back solar energy in Florida, Keystone fight emboldens opponents of other Big Carbon projects, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions. 



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The Low-Carbon City Movement

In December 2015, international leaders will gather in Paris for what are arguably the most important global climate talks ever. Countries are updating their carbon reduction pledges, which currently fall far short of what is necessary to hold global warming at two degrees Celsius. This represents an ambition gap among national negotiators that the bold climate leadership of city officials around the world can help close.

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Yes, we can—but first, no, we mustn’t

Submitted by KC Golden on

This week in Anchorage, President Obama offered a beautiful, strong speech about the need for an epic response to climate change. But across the Northwest, our region still burns; and the President is permitting Shell to fan the flames with Arctic drilling. 

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