Gina McCarthy at Climate Solutions' annual dinner 2024
Let’s be brave now, so our children don’t have to be forced to be braver later.
Gina McCarthy, Gov. Jay Inslee and other climate champions raised the roof at our annual event in Seattle.
Global warming
ClimateCast Logo over frosty catwalk

EU vows deep carbon cuts, IPCC tussles on final report

Solar deals multiply, China’s coal consumption declines, carbon prices can include a mix of capping and taxing, and other stories of the week in clean energy solutions. 

Cities on the Move

Aggressive city action can reduce global carbon emissions at least 10% by 2030, according to a C40 report at the UN Climate Summit. Across the US, we see examples of cities that are investing in clean energy and carbon reduction solutions.

ClimateCast Logo over road through rainforest

Climate change a threat to national security, says DoD

Worldwide switch to clean power would save $1.8 trillion, rainforests store less carbon once they’re fragmented, WA carbon tax would pay steady dividends, and other stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast Logo over solar trainee

Carbon pricing gets a boost

Gov. Inslee floats a carbon tax as a solution to the state’s education funding problem, a coal mine sells for $2, mayors announce a nationwide climate action agenda, and other stories of the week in clean energy solutions

Climate action now: Let's keep making history!

After last month's giant climate marches, it's time to make sure the Northwest continues to lead the country towards a clean energy future. Add your voice to this call: let's keep making history!

Occupy the Future

There's no telling what'll happen when world leaders meet in Paris next year for the 21st annual U.N. Climate Conference. But based on what went down in Manhattan last week, the time for global action on climate change is here.

ClimateCast Logo over climate marchers

Ripples keep spreading from NY climate summit

Climate Week spurs new pledges from businesses, KLM to power its planes with a biofuel mix, Google and Facebook dump their ties to ALEC, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Cattle grazing in Marin

Soil carbon, home on the range

Turning organic materials into compost and applying it to rangelands on a larger scale could store a lot of carbon, repurpose organic waste, improve the health of rangelands, increase climate resilience, and help farmers’ bottom lines.

Two billion human steps in the right direction

Climate Solutions took part in the largest climate action in history on Sept 21, 2014--in Seattle, in Portland, and at the primary march in New York City. Some of  us reflect here on this moment in our movement. 

Making a little noise about the climate

Longview, Washington is a small community acutely aware of the threat coal export poses to our climate and to public health. That's why they took action with #PeoplesClimate.



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