Gina McCarthy at Climate Solutions' annual dinner 2024
Let’s be brave now, so our children don’t have to be forced to be braver later.
Gina McCarthy, Gov. Jay Inslee and other climate champions raised the roof at our annual event in Seattle.
Global warming
ClimateCast Logo over rainforest dweller

Community control good for carbon storage

California flooded with proposals for grid storage; narrow escape from oil-spill disaster in Seattle; climate change impacts our mental health; and much more.

ClimateCast Logo over Kiribatian island

Migrating to high ground

Pacific islanders secure a refuge from rising seas, compost boosts carbon storage in California ranchlands, Venetian-style canals floated for Manhattan, and much more. 

ClimateCast Logo over Supreme Court façade

Climate action wins in court

Why rooftop solar is only half the price in Germany and Australia as in the U.S., what impacts of climate change make people move away, and other top stories of the week in climate and clean energy.

“When push comes to shove.” When is that, anyway?

Climate action is where we need a president to show, not tell.

ClimateCast Logo over power plant smokestack

EPA electricity rule reverberates

The ins and outs of Obama’s carbon cap for power plants, a touching  essay on the climate generation gap, a take-down of “Solar Freakin’ Roadways,” and much more.

ClimateCast Logo over algae in flasks

Getting the carbon out of electricity

Europe backs away from food-based biofuels, Google unveils self-driving cars, the race between a biker and Car2Go, and many more tales of climate and clean energy

Welcome to the Climate Fight, USA!

Climate policy question #1 is simple: Will we put responsible limits on the largest sources of climate pollution?

Bread, freedom, social justice... and climate security

From Tahrir Square to hurricane-ravaged Staten Island, our climate crisis is also a crisis of equity and environmental justice.

The space beyond denial, before despair

Joined by over 900 allies and leaders from around the region and around the country, we heard from heroes who are using their respective fields as platforms for real climate leadership. We also took some selfies.

Hot shots and carbon champs

The second episode of Years continues a storyline in which Harrison Ford travels to Indonesia to investigate massive slash and burn deforestation projects, which are making way for gigantic, illegal palm oil plantations. The destruction of Indonesia's peat lands - the burning of both the forests' trees and carbon rich soils - now accounts for 4% of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions alone. 



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Climate action: unstoppable

On Tuesday, hearing rooms at the State Capitol in Olympia were overflowing with people waiting to tell legislators that it's time for climate action. Join us this Saturday in Olympia or Seattle to learn more about proposed climate legislation in WA.

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Interfaith Climate Advocacy Day - Oregon

Explore climate change as a moral issue, and learn about current climate legislation and how to effectively offer your views to legislators.

Cost (including lunch): $20 general and $10 students. For more information about the event (including the agenda) and to register, download a registration brochure. Check back soon for online registration. Sponsored by EMO’s Oregon Interfaith Power & Light and other faith groups to be announced.