image of an Oregon waterfall
Oregon is worth defending! Submit Public Comment for the Climate Protection Program Today
It’s time! It’s time for us to protect and strengthen Oregon’s landmark Climate Protection Program (CPP)! You can help by sharing your thoughts about the importance of protecting our state’s climate future, and the need for a strong CPP.
Civic engagement

Big wind, big oil, and big work ahead

When willl big oil begin its last breath? The good, the bad and the downright ugly in climate and clean energy in this week's ClimateCast.

The world (mostly) unites for climate action

G20 leaders recommit to the road through Paris--with the US government on the sidelines for now. More bad news for oil, more promising economic signs for renewables, and more of the latest news on climate and clean energy.

Clean energy strengthens power grids, prosperity, people and the planet

The fast expansion of solar and wind energy is strengthening power grids; resistance continues to climate intransigence; sour outlook for fossil fuel finance but bright horizons for renewables and clean fuels; and more of the latest news in climate and clean energy. 

What did you do, once you knew?

What makes people take an afternoon or a day off work just to say NO to what would be the largest oil-by-rail terminal in North America? What would make them drive hours through the night to attend a public hearing? For one thing, love for their great-great grandchildren.

Thanks a quarter million +.

Here's why events like the People's Climate March make it easier to believe the evidence that the fossil fuel empire is entering terminal decline. 

ClimateCast logo over 100% Renewable banner from Climate March

Clean energy employs more Americans than gas & coal

Costly flood insurance augurs tailspin for coastal real estate, Big Island tops 50% clean power for 2016, Denmark expects wind will compete without subsidies in a few years, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 

Clean energy transportation makes sense, but also dollars and cents

Climate advocates join business leaders to celebrate a sensible expansion of subsidies for low-carbon and zero-carbon driving options.

ClimateCast logo over solar PV installer

World economy grows, carbon pollution doesn’t

Shell sells off its stake in Canadian tar sands, US solar installations in 2016 nearly double the previous year, poll shows highest-ever level of American concern for the climate, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo over Pope Francis in Vatican's new Nissan Leaf

EPA to put mpg gains on hold, but EVs grow anyway

Oregon lawmakers weigh competing bills to price carbon pollution, China’s coal consumption falls for third straight year, Trump’s EPA budget calls for deep cuts, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.  

Seattle divests from pipeline funder Wells Fargo

Seattle made history by divesting nearly $3 billion from a bank whose investments are profoundly out of alignment with our hopes for a just, clean-energy future. What other cities will follow?

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Just. Do it.

Submitted by KC Golden on

The impacts of fossil fuels are not just environmentally catastrophic, they’re deeply inequitable. Those who do the least to cause climate disruption are hit hardest by it. To break free from fossil fuels, we need strategies that deliver effective, affordable solutions and economic opportunity for all.

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People power. For the win.

Governor Inslee's decision today to shut down plans for a massive new oil terminal is a massive win for the people of the Northwest standing up against the fossil fuel industry.

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2017: The highlights were pretty bright

Submitted by Gregg Small on

Yes, 2017 was an awful year in many ways. But it was also a year of transition for climate action. We and many others affirmed our ability to make progress at the speed and scale our climate crisis demands.

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