image of an Oregon waterfall
Oregon is worth defending! Submit Public Comment for the Climate Protection Program Today
It’s time! It’s time for us to protect and strengthen Oregon’s landmark Climate Protection Program (CPP)! You can help by sharing your thoughts about the importance of protecting our state’s climate future, and the need for a strong CPP.
Civic engagement

Washington Legislature fails to pass 100% fossil-free electricity

Utilities obstructed the passage of HB 2995, a measure backed by a coalition of labor, environmental, clean energy and conservation organizations that would have led Washington State to a fossil fuel-free future.

Make a call today for fossil-free energy!

Clean energy is ready to move forward in the Washington State Legislature—let's help make sure it does!

Coal phaseout continues; states on fire for climate action

US support increases for phasing out coal; some utilities show a greater taste for renewables, and more in this week's ClimateCast.

Just. Do it.

The impacts of fossil fuels are not just environmentally catastrophic, they’re deeply inequitable. Those who do the least to cause climate disruption are hit hardest by it. To break free from fossil fuels, we need strategies that deliver effective, affordable solutions and economic opportunity for all.

People power. For the win.

Governor Inslee's decision today to shut down plans for a massive new oil terminal is a massive win for the people of the Northwest standing up against the fossil fuel industry.

2017: The highlights were pretty bright

Yes, 2017 was an awful year in many ways. But it was also a year of transition for climate action. We and many others affirmed our ability to make progress at the speed and scale our climate crisis demands.

Don't talk climate turkey with your denier dad!

This holiday, try to talk climate with your concerned cousin in the kitchen.

Repeal (?), Resilience, and Resistance

Last week's attack on the Clean Power Plan comes during a season of extreme weather disasters and increasing alarm about our warming climate. But there's good news about EVs, business engagement, and polling on climate. 

The King is dead

The Northwest coal export battle was a fateful crossroads, and the tyranny of fossil fuels is waning. In its place, we're launching a new clean energy era. 

When your house is on fire

Of course, none of us think of ourselves as climate deniers. But something makes us flinch from bad news, hard conversations, and uncomfortable conclusions. 

Give for a brighter future


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What WE can win, together

Submitted by Steve Garey on

Yes on 1631 labor leader Steve Garey on why so many people have dedicated themselves to shaping and working for I-1631. And now that the finish line is in sight, what it is that we hope to win together.

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Mordor, Schmordor

With less than a week before election day, it's time for Washington climate advocates to make sure we have done all we can to win on I-1631.

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Let's build more momentum for talking climate

Extreme weather, wildfires, an uncertain can we avoid talking about climate change? A better question may be: how DO we talk with out families and friends about climate change—in a way that acknowledges our anxiety, yet motivates us to work towards solutions?

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