Gina McCarthy at Climate Solutions' annual dinner 2024
Let’s be brave now, so our children don’t have to be forced to be braver later.
Gina McCarthy, Gov. Jay Inslee and other climate champions raised the roof at our annual event in Seattle.
Civic engagement

We marched with intention, focus and power. What's next?

After the Women's march on cities across America, here are four next steps forward.

ClimateCast logo over wind turbine undergoing maintenance

Planet sets heat record as Trump takes up the reins

New approvals for wind in Wyoming and off North Carolina; thinking about “base cost” renewables instead of “base load” power; saving climate info in the Data Refuge, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

Majora Carter helped us find our optimism

Speaking at Climate Solutions' annual dinner in Portland, Majora Carter fueled both our optimism and our impatience for climate progress.

Washington State's climate leadership: prospects and priorities

Climate action at the state and local level has never been more important than now.

ClimateCast logo over scene of climate march in Marrakech at UN COP22

Trump’s election reshapes landscape of climate action

Marrakech delegates reckon with a Trump presidency, Monterey County bans fracking, children’s public-trust climate lawsuit moves forward, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

The arc of the moral universe still bends towards...

It has become obvious that we need to find new and better ways to align good climate policy with fairness, inclusion, and solutions that work for everyone. If we don’t, fossil fuel interests will fend off the transition we need by capitalizing on the same insecurity and fear that won Trump the White House.

ClimateCast logo over section of concentrating solar collector

Talks begin in Marrakech to implement the Paris accord

Global carbon intensity falls nearly 3 percent, California’s “duck curve” deepens faster than expected, Shell predicts peak oil demand in five to 15 years, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

Economic security is a core climate solution

“Climate solutions” aren’t just about reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We need to wage and win a clean energy revolution, to go all the way to a clean energy future.  But in an economy rife with inequality and insecurity, such a sweeping transition is hard for most folks to contemplate. 

ClimateCast logo over windpower kite

Germany: ban new gas & diesel autos in EU by 2030

Climate pollution from international flights to be capped, two oil terminals halted in WA and CA, home air-conditioner makes ice while the sun shines on your rooftop PVs, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

Kids are key to our climate future

Thanks to St. Thomas School for supporting us through your 2016 Walkathon. When we visited to talk climate with you, you inspired us.



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The King is dead

Submitted by KC Golden on

The Northwest coal export battle was a fateful crossroads, and the tyranny of fossil fuels is waning. In its place, we're launching a new clean energy era. 

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When your house is on fire

Of course, none of us think of ourselves as climate deniers. But something makes us flinch from bad news, hard conversations, and uncomfortable conclusions. 

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What did you do, once you knew?

What makes people take an afternoon or a day off work just to say NO to what would be the largest oil-by-rail terminal in North America? What would make them drive hours through the night to attend a public hearing? For one thing, love for their great-great grandchildren.

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Thanks a quarter million +.

Submitted by KC Golden on

Here's why events like the People's Climate March make it easier to believe the evidence that the fossil fuel empire is entering terminal decline. 

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