image of an Oregon waterfall
Oregon is worth defending! Submit Public Comment for the Climate Protection Program Today
It’s time! It’s time for us to protect and strengthen Oregon’s landmark Climate Protection Program (CPP)! You can help by sharing your thoughts about the importance of protecting our state’s climate future, and the need for a strong CPP.
Civic engagement

Gen Z doesn’t want your climate hope—they want you to act. Here’s how.

Last week's Climate Strike brought me to tears—did you feel the same? How will we respond to this moment?

Climate strikers believe in—and will fight for—a clean energy future

A movement led by young people gets ready for a week of climate action

Follow the (young) leaders

Time to show overwhelming support for equitable and urgent climate action! The youth behind tomorrow's climate sttike are leading the way to a better future–let’s have their backs.

Climate Strike: we were all kids once—let’s show up for them

We CAN act together to slow climate change and mitigate the harms we and others will face...we MUST take the reins of responsibility and do everything we can to leave behind our reliance on fossil fuels...and, by taking action together, we WILL accelerate our transition to an equitable clean energy future.

The next generation of climate activists is rising in Oregon

Next-generation science curriculum standards are just one reason why Oregon young people are ready for—in fact are demanding—climate leadership. They're stepping up, and won't be stepping back. 

Thursday: join the Youth Climate Day in Olympia!

Today’s teenagers have no other future than one shaped by climate change. That’s why young people may be the most keenly motivated to demand bold climate action now. Let’s fight together for climate justice. Join our Day of Action in Olympia, on April 11.

We're the ones writing this story

Given the choice between optimism and pessimism these days, it can be hard to land on optimism, especially concerning our climate and the effect we are having on it. But, remember, we are the ones writing our own story—we can steer our plotline as it unfolds towards the future.

States unfreeze climate action

With federal action stagnated (or in reverse), governors and state legislators are finding opportunities to advance climate action.

Positioned to win: Northwest climate progress in 2019

What’s ahead for major climate and clean energy action in the Pacific Northwest this year... and what it’s going to take to get there. 

What WE can win, together

Yes on 1631 labor leader Steve Garey on why so many people have dedicated themselves to shaping and working for I-1631. And now that the finish line is in sight, what it is that we hope to win together.

Give for a brighter future


Join our email list to learn about what we do and how to get involved. 

You're going to want to be a part of this Wave!

Submitted by Gregg Small on

Bringing together the Portland Timbers and the Seattle Sounders—along with more than 100 other teams, iconic NW gathering places, and more—The Wave represents a new chapter in our region's progress towards clean energy sustainability and a healthy climate. Join us!

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