Gina McCarthy at Climate Solutions' annual dinner 2024
Let’s be brave now, so our children don’t have to be forced to be braver later.
Gina McCarthy, Gov. Jay Inslee and other climate champions raised the roof at our annual event in Seattle.
Civic engagement

The Twilight of Oil’s Big “No:” YES on 1631

Oil’s dominance will last only as long as they can bully us into believing we can’t have clean energy and better choices. That's why they're spending tens of millions to oppose I-1631.

Is there a path out of this?

As the season shifts, so does our determination to fight—and win—on climate and clean energy.

This Saturday: Rise for Climate!

This Saturday, September 8, is a day for us to bring our collective power to the forefront.

Five tips for talking climate as the smoke clears

Even as the smoke lifts a little, let's keep talking climate.

Only YOU can prevent forest fires – confront the climate arsonists.

30 years ago, it would have been much easier to tackle the causes of climate disruption. That was then.  30 years from now, they might remember the fiery September of 2018 as the turning point toward solutions, when leaders confronted the challenge head-on at a historic summit in California. Or they might be in hell, wondering why we blew it.  

TriMet buses in the sun

Milwaukie City Council tells TriMet: time to embrace zero emission buses

Milwaukie, OR has joined with Portland and Multnomah County, calling for transit agency TriMet to kick diesel and rapidly electrify their bus fleet! These local governments are ordering up clean air and climate stability, by paving the way to a 100% clean energy future.

Holding big oil accountable for decades of climate deception

King County has joined other local governments across the country who are suing major oil companies who knew the cataclysmic consequences of carbon pollution, but kept misleading us all.

I-1631: Coming together to protect Washington and a healthy future

The people of Washington have the opportunity to win one of the most ambitious, effective and far reaching policies to tackle climate change.

Washington Legislature fails to pass 100% fossil-free electricity

Utilities obstructed the passage of HB 2995, a measure backed by a coalition of labor, environmental, clean energy and conservation organizations that would have led Washington State to a fossil fuel-free future.

Make a call today for fossil-free energy!

Clean energy is ready to move forward in the Washington State Legislature—let's help make sure it does!



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Follow the (young) leaders

Time to show overwhelming support for equitable and urgent climate action! The youth behind tomorrow's climate sttike are leading the way to a better future–let’s have their backs.

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Thursday: join the Youth Climate Day in Olympia!

Today’s teenagers have no other future than one shaped by climate change. That’s why young people may be the most keenly motivated to demand bold climate action now. Let’s fight together for climate justice. Join our Day of Action in Olympia, on April 11.

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We're the ones writing this story

Given the choice between optimism and pessimism these days, it can be hard to land on optimism, especially concerning our climate and the effect we are having on it. But, remember, we are the ones writing our own story—we can steer our plotline as it unfolds towards the future.

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What WE can win, together

Submitted by Steve Garey on

Yes on 1631 labor leader Steve Garey on why so many people have dedicated themselves to shaping and working for I-1631. And now that the finish line is in sight, what it is that we hope to win together.

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